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CJM_cola_coles findings! simple seed for witch hut!

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CJM_cola_cole's Avatar CJM_cola_cole
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
so, i was looking for the witch hut in 1.4.2. so when i was creating my world i typed in for the seed "witch hut" thinking that it would do nothing. so i spawned in a forest and eventually found a swamp really close. i explored it and in the water was a witch hut! it had no witch in it though sadly... but still. just so you know they are not much help for you unless you need wood, a mushroom, a couldren, a flower pot, or a crafting table. so i was a bit dissapointed. i hope you find it like me! the exact seed of where i took the picture is 775376174

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