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Clans-How to join one, and how to lead one

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sadert302's Avatar sadert302
Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior
Clans-A summary

PvP is one of Minecraft's most popular feature. Whether a small distraction on SMP servers, actual servers based on PvP, or variants of PvP, such as the Survival Games, the Walls, or MineZ, PvP has always been used as a fun feature of Minecraft. In this blog, I'm going to talk about my favorite feature of PvP:Clans. While killing by yourself is all and well, sometimes, it's better to have a couple of mates backing you up. Clans have been around for as long as PvP has. People teaming up to survive and kill everyone else. In Minecraft, many PvP servers support this idea, using plugins such as Factions and Simply-Clans to support this fundamental ideal of PvP.

How to join a Clan

When you join a PvP server for the first time, everything can be somewhat confusing. People discussing the leader board, people discussing the best clans, that one guy is killing everyone else, and most people are wearing enchanted diamond armor. You, on the other hand, are wearing a silk shirt and don't even have a sword. Here's my advice to all new players on PvP servers. JOIN A CLAN. However, this can be somewhat challenging. Clan leaders(including me) don't recruit the new guy who spams up the chat yelling about joining a clan. Instead, almost every PvP server has some sort of mini game, like Mob Arena, or Survival Games, where new people can go and play without the danger of losing everything. This is where most clan leaders look for new potential recruits. This is not however, where the people who have spent more than a year on the server, and have a great clan, recruit from. You'll probably never get into one of those clans for at least a year, perhaps never. However, you can still get into a new clan that's rising up on the leader board. Try playing for a couple of weeks, and get pretty good at the mini game. Then, if you make a friend playing these games, ask if you can join their clan. If they don't accept you, don't throw a fit. Just try and join another clan. Eventually, you'll find a clan.

What you do in a Clan

One you have joined a clan, you will probably be an untrusted member. Untrusted means, basically, you can't teleport to the clan base. You'll probably be taken on some raids(where you go and raid another clans base), and probably be asked to fight for your clan, before you are given trust. Once you have trust, you are allowed to move into your clan's base, and now are expected to mine, tree farm(most clan bases are built underground or are floating) and put treasure and money into the clan's coffers. You will now be allowed to voice your opinion of what the clan should do, and will probably be given charge of testing the untrusted members. You now have the respect of other members of the clan, and are friends with at least some of them. You are also now expected to help allies and your own clan in wars. If you don't help out, you'll probably be kicked form the clan.


Leading a clan is a lot harder than just being in one. You must manage allies, discover rivals, kick clan griefers, and declare war on enemies. Here are some tips on the most important pieces of being a clan leader.

Work-Assign work to each member of clan. One could be a miner, another the farmer, and another the alchemist.

Allies-Got friends in other clans? You can ally clans, and in return they will help you in wars.

Rivals-Did that clan raid your base? You can make them rivals, which also gives your clan double points for every kill they make.

War-You can declare on a clan that you believe is evil or very annoying. War is taken very seriously, and you are given coordinates of where to meet your foe, and a time too. Do NOT declare war on a very good clan that is much higher than you on the leader board. As I said, they take these things very seriously.

Tag-Your clan's coolest feature is it's tag. You can change that tags color using Bukkit Essential's & color codes. Your clan should have a very catchy one word motif, and colors that match. i.e BOSS or FIRE. These tags really accent your Clans prowess and skill.

Leader Board-This is how clans are measured, and described their KDR, and how many rivals, civilians, and allies your clan has killed.

I hope this 'How to' helps you,



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10/22/2012 3:01 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Lava Rider
DerpyZ's Avatar
Nice blog, very good detail!
10/22/2012 3:10 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior
sadert302's Avatar
Lol, I specialize in Simply Clans, I was looking for Factions Tutorials, as the server I moderate on just switched over.
09/24/2012 8:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Legodude600's Avatar
Hey you should tell people when they make a clan how to defend it example lava in the walls ,mines ect.
09/25/2012 2:15 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior
sadert302's Avatar
That's my next Blog Topic-How to properly set up and defend a clan base.
09/24/2012 8:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Legodude600's Avatar
Thanks this has helped out alot thanks
09/25/2012 2:14 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior
sadert302's Avatar
Thanks for the compliment!
