Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Cool Amazing Minecraft Commands

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alistairw's Avatar alistairw
Level 27 : Expert Explorer
Hello! Ever wanted to use some amazing minecraft commandblock commands?

Summon A Cool Rabbit:
/summon Skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Dinnerbone",Riding:{id:"Ske­leton",CustomName:"Bugs Bunny",Invulnerable:1,Attributes:­generic.followRange,B-ase:1.0},{Name:gen­eric.attackDamage,Base:100}],Equipment:­{id:391},{},{},{},{Damage:3,id:397,tag:{­SkullOwner:"rabbit2077"}}]},Equipment:­},{},{},{},{Damage:3,id:397,tag:{SkullOw­ner:"slenderboss69"}}],Invulnerable:1}

Flying Creepers!  Hahah!
/summon Creeper ~ ~15 ~ {Invulnerable:0,Riding:{id:Bat,Size:-10,­Invulnerable:1,ActiveEffects:­:1,Ambient:1,Id:14,Duration:0}],Riding:{­id:Slime,Size:2,Invulnerable:0,ActiveEff­ects:[{Amplifier:1,Id:14,Duration:0}],Ri­ding:{id:,direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}}}} 

The Princess:

/summon Ghast ~ ~ ~ {Riding:{id:Giant}}

Plane Landing:

/summon Minecart ~ ~1 ~ {Riding:{id:Chicken}} 

Go to the end of the world :)
/tp 29999999 80 29999999

If you enjoy these please remember to give me a diamond :)

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11/02/2014 10:54 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
Sphinx006's Avatar
Funny commands ;)
Emerald Drake
10/31/2014 7:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Emerald Drake's Avatar
This is very helpful for people who don't know much about commands and people that are good with command blocks and want some ideas alike. Diamond :D
