Published Dec 23rd, 2016, 12/23/16 2:45 pm
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wanna have an armor stand with a position or pose? go to The Link to the website. It has controls and sliders.Here is one i created=
/summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {NoBasePlate:1b,ShowArms:1b,Equipment:[{},{id:"leather_boots",Count:1b,tag:{display:{color:16777215}}},{id:"leather_leggings",Count:1b,tag:{display:{color:16711680}}},{id:"leather_chestplate",Count:1b,tag:{display:{color:16711680}}},{id:"skull",Count:1b,Damage:3b,tag:{SkullOwner:"RobloxFan2015"}}],CustomName:"Jones BBQ and Foot Massage!",CustomNameVisible:1b,Pose:{Head:[21f,343f,0f],LeftLeg:[343f,0f,42f],LeftArm:[0f,0f,330f],RightArm:[0f,0f,33f]}}
2) If you want to create an armor stand dabbing, or doing some action, this is the link for you! Also, you need to execute this command in a command block. Don't know how to get one? Use /give (Your Username) Minecraft:Command_Block, or do /give (your username) Command_block.
/summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {NoBasePlate:1b,ShowArms:1b,Equipment:[{},{id:"leather_boots",Count:1b,tag:{display:{color:16777215}}},{id:"leather_leggings",Count:1b,tag:{display:{color:16711680}}},{id:"leather_chestplate",Count:1b,tag:{display:{color:16711680}}},{id:"skull",Count:1b,Damage:3b,tag:{SkullOwner:"RobloxFan2015"}}],CustomName:"Jones BBQ and Foot Massage!",CustomNameVisible:1b,Pose:{Head:[21f,343f,0f],LeftLeg:[343f,0f,42f],LeftArm:[0f,0f,330f],RightArm:[0f,0f,33f]}}
2) If you want to create an armor stand dabbing, or doing some action, this is the link for you! Also, you need to execute this command in a command block. Don't know how to get one? Use /give (Your Username) Minecraft:Command_Block, or do /give (your username) Command_block.
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