Minecraft Blogs / Review

Custom NPC's Mod And Clay Soldiers Mod

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XxNinjaxX753's Avatar XxNinjaxX753
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
I would like to show you The Custom NPC's Mod. It adds TONS of new items to the game! Also, you can even make your own NPC's! I will also talk about The Clay Soldiers Mod! You get to make mini clay soldier battles! Also check out the epic Testificate Dance Video, by Chewtoons! Please watch the Testificate Dance! Post your reaction of the video in the comments, please.

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10/11/2012 4:53 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
XxNinjaxX753's Avatar
Sorry about the shortness, but I ended up getting delayed for a while..... but good news! (And bad news!)

First, the bad news is that im going camping on Friday, so i will be back on about monday. Next, the good news is that i got the Awaken Dreams Mod! (A LOTR mod.....) Its pretty awesome. But its only 55% complete...... also, sorry about short info again......bye! l will be back soon though!
10/09/2012 8:04 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
XxNinjaxX753's Avatar
First, here is a look at the mods: The Custom NPC's mod will give you all the needs to create a village, city, castle, or even a mine! I will post more information soon.....
