This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Custom Paintings

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James11129's Avatar James11129
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
This mod will allow you to make your own painting instead just picking a painting and constantly saying "no, no, no, maybe, to scary, no, you know what forget the paintings". So instead you can make you own painting.

All you need is a brush.

A paint holder ( that thing where you put your colors on).

And a board ( to paint on).

To make a brush you need 2 sticks and a feather.

You put the feather on top and the 2 stick on the bottom (it has to be straight).

To make the paint holder you craft a bowl.

Then you smelt the dyes you want in your paint holder (when you smelt it it's called paint).

Then you put the bowl in the middle and surround it the paints and you done.

Then to craft the board you craft a sign and a painting and you craft them together (any order will do).

Then when you right click the board (with you brush and paint holder) you can paint you own picture!!
CreditMy cousins hate for random paintings.

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09/08/2019 2:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
FoxworlsBugs28's Avatar
Hahahaha that’s funny I say that LITTERLY every time me or my cousins are placing paintings I always think the skull one is to creepy I also don’t like the spider one but I know how to make a computer so this will be helpful making computer screens thanks
12/04/2012 3:56 pm
Level 24 : Expert Caveman
cballer1010's Avatar
I like this idea. Sounds cool.
12/05/2012 2:38 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
James11129's Avatar
