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Enderman-A short story

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Stevie1177's Avatar Stevie1177
Level 41 : Master Artist
The following is a preview of a project I am working on, a realistic interpretation of the world of minecraft the perspective of Steven Leitner, also known as "Steve", and his perilous attempts to survive in a strange new land after a tragic incident.
The is currently incomplete, and will possibly be composed of comics, stories like such as below accompanied by images, or possibly even animations.

"I had have to rush back to the cabin if I was to make it time. I overestimated the amount of daylight left, night was falling. The sky was already turning into a vibrant orange as the sun touched the horizon. I could already hear the hissing of spiders. There was no time to delay, I broke into a furious sprint as I heard the sound of eight hairy legs scurrying on the tree branches. One had spotted me and was in pursuit, but I was faster. When all was silent aside from the squealing of pigs running to safety, I slowed my pace. The sun was slowly disappearing, half of it had already disappeared when I could see the cabin far off in the distance. It was my sanctuary, my shrine of light and safety.
A zombie ambushed me from the trees. After I regained my balance and asserted the situation, I quickly drew my sword crafted from iron and swung it into the undead's neck. My sword was weak, further direct combat would have been risky. I drew my bow and dashed towards the cabin. I could see it through the trees, distant and yet close at the same time. Then I saw something closer between me and the house. A silhouette of legs visible under the low branches of a miniature tree. A skeleton. I silently hide behind the tree and prepared my bow. Then I noticed the legs had flesh and skin on it of a shadowy charcoal, with a tint of purple, hue to it.
This was nothing I've ever seen before. Considering what I've dealt with so far, it could have been anything. My mind began to wonder of all the possible things I could have been, maybe it was another survivor. Maybe it was just something else that would try to kill me in the night. I had to observe it.
I peeked under the branches of the tree and watched the feet walk towards the sandy lake near the cabin. It was just beyond the tree, with only it's lower legs visible. Then I saw hands lowering towards the ground, and clutch a block of sand. The hands were elongated and large, it couldn't be human. Without any effort, it ripped the block out of the ground and let out a hushed growl. It sent cold shivers down my spine. I had to get a better look. I poked my head out from behind the tree. It was already looking back.
It somewhat resembled a human, though much sleeker a savage looking. It was almost three meters high, and small. Fluorescent purple pores seeped and floated out seams in it's back. Then I noticed the face. It had no ears or nose, only holes and slits where they would be. It appeared to be a large closed mouth, and wide, glowing purple eyes. It stared back with confusion and curiosity, and I felt fear swell through my blood.
Slowly, the creature opened its large mouth and it's pupils compressed, and let out an ear splitting screech like that of a banshee. It had large canine teeth like that of a chimpanzee filled with rage.The creatures hands compressed the block of sand until it burst from the pressure of the creature's hands. Instinct took over and I made a dash to the cabin. I could hear it's footsteps and heavy panting right behind me. I heard it swipe it's thin fingers and felt it brush against my shirt.
I ran into the door with every ounce of strength I had, falling onto the floor. I awaited for death to take me by the hands of the creature, but I felt nothing. I looked up and the creature was gone, only a small cloud of pores remained where it stood outside the house. I took a breath of relief and closed the door. I put away my gear and my daily findings of coal and iron into my chest, trying to make sense of what had happened. I constantly looked out the windows, looking for the creature to see if it was waiting. After an hour or so of waiting, I decided to make some armor, or tools maybe from the iron I found. As I reached for the chest, I heard the crash of glass in front of me and was grasped by a large hand.
I was pulled through the window and thrown several meters across the dirt, and saw the creature screeching near the walls of my home. I sustained little injury, only a few bruises and cuts from the glass. I reached my backpack for my sword, only to feel the cold bitterness of nothing. All my tools were in the chest. I was defenseless.
As soon as I regained my footing, the creature disappeared before my eyes. Confused, I searched around, then stumbled towards the cabin. Suddenly, a loud scream accompanied by a swiping fist came from behind me, and I was knocked away from the door. It had teleported behind me. It could teleport.
There was no escape.
All of the wind had been knocked out of me and I was going into shock. The creature seemed to understand this, and took it's time as it strolled towards me. It had a terrifying snarl-look on it's face as it showed off it's teeth as a sign of aggression. It grabbed me by the head and lifted me up. it's single hand could wrap almost all the way around my cranium. It stared at me with curiosity, smelled me, then snarled again. it raised it's free hand for the finishing blow.
Then it stopped.

It had jolted and it's eyes widened with surprise. It slowly turned it's head around, and I saw an arrow placed in it's back right shoulder. A skeleton, with what appeared to be a shocked stance, stood not too far behind the slender creature. It had attempted to shoot me, but instead hit the creature. The skeleton had just realized what it had done, and prepared another arrow. It had sparked a match in a house filled with gas.
The creature dropped me and dashed at the skeleton. The skeleton's arrow hit the creature, but it just shook it off as if the arrow was only a fly. The skeleton reached for another arrow in the quiver, but it was too late. The creature grabbed the skeleton by the head and slammed it into a tree, shattering it's skull into pieces. Then it looked back at me.
I had only one thought in my mind. Run. I didn't care where i would have gone, I picked a direction and ran straight. Tunnel vision kicked in, and I was not going to stop going in the direction I already was. I went straight into the lake but tripped in the shallows. The creature was not far behind me, and I heard another terrible screech.
But it was not a screech of aggression or strength.
it was a screech of pain.
As the creature's foot landed in the edge of the water, it cried with pain and leaped away from the water towards the grass. It's foot seemed to be burned by the water, like a severe reaction. It gave me a dreadful and angry stare, then walked away. I didn't leave the water until morning. I went back to my house, frightened and jumpy. I replaced the glass the creature had broken the previous night and grabbed my bucket. I scooped up a full bucket of water from the lake and kept it with me. I wouldn't be without it ever again."

Please give constructive criticism, I'd like to improve my literature and critiques would be very helpful.

See my original Enderman drawing on deviant art, there is a brief study researching further into the way Endermen could be if they were real. -->espio-fanboy.deviantart.com/#/d4rj8r0

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07/26/2012 8:40 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
lightningpenguin's Avatar
By the way,you have just inspired me to write more volumes of "Bippy the Creeper". Check it out if you have the time. Thank you good sir.
07/26/2012 8:37 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
lightningpenguin's Avatar
My lord,this is the most accurate and expansive story about the first experience of an enderman. I'd say that everybody who has played Minecraft before 1.8 all experienced this same drama as Steven has in this story. We were all scared of this mysterious creature of darkness. This is the greatest enderman story on Planet Minecraft. By the way, you should put "the end" at the end with "end" in italics.
07/26/2012 8:57 pm
Level 41 : Master Artist
Stevie1177's Avatar
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I was considering putting "The End", but it's nowhere near that point. Steve has a whole lot more to go through before that.
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