Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

EPIC Building tips for minecraft!

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Level 29 : Expert Nerd

Hey guys SkylanderR2001 is back and he knows how to do this RAINBOWS!

I'm starting this new tutorial blog series about building tips and such like that so if you have any need of help like: "How do i add detail to my wooden house" now... lets do this

  • Cobblestone outlining the building: yes i know Cobble is generally used in UGLY buildings but if you use it correctly it can be exactly what your house (assuming its all one material) needs
  • Mods: Why? some of them out there add new blocks like Scaffolds, marble brick, bassalt, and colored lamps. So mods can be helpful if you've run out of ideas to make really good mansions or what you choose.
  • Circles? now don't say "Its minecraft there are no circles in minecraft!?" yes there are they may not be perfectly curved but its possible (I will soon post another project further explaining circles)
  • Creativity: Lets say your buddy made a castle it has one square tower and no other rooms how would you one-up him or ten million-up him? make both square, rectangle, and circle towers and add small cabins in the courtyard
  • Zen-garden trees: These are simple yet they can decorate small areas (you may have made it before) They are grass or dirt blocks surounded by trapdoors with a fence post on it along with leaves on top of that. (in tekkit you can be more creative doing this)
  • Last but not least; Balconys and upside down steps: Huge windows with no true detail? use upside down steps along the bottom edge, a good tip is to have a balcony with upside down steps along the edge with fence posts on top is a good strategy.

Well there you go.... i hope you enjoyed and or helped you in anyway.... Daimond or Subcribe to became part of the creed of assassins! Sky over and out!

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04/24/2013 9:38 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Geek
I can't read a thing!
04/24/2013 9:59 pm
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
Sorry it sort-of glitched :L ill fix later!
12/08/2012 1:46 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
I likey
12/08/2012 12:05 am
Level 45 : Master Zombie
12/08/2012 12:39 am
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
can you read it with all dat purple?
12/07/2012 9:44 pm
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
Sorry if its hard to read some sort of bug or something
