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Everyone on PMC is important...

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skywalker3313's Avatar skywalker3313
Level 56 : Grandmaster Meme
I've been kind of sad recently because I've seen a lot of people on PMC say they feel like they are not important or that they feel ignored because they aren't a high level. This makes me feel awful.

The fact that people are being picked on or called out because they are "a level one noob" is plain stupid and needs to stop. How would you feel if you were new to a place and no one listened to you due to the fact that you were new? Yeah, you wouldn't feel too good, I know I would feel pretty bad if that happened to me.

Even if you are level one that doesn't mean that you are any less important to the site than higher up people. Level ones still work hard on their content (hopefully) and just because they are level one doesn't mean they spam. I've seen level 10+ that spam on PMC but it seems they are never called out, because if someone sees they are level 10 people automatically assume they contribute quality without even checking them out. If someone is a level one and critiques something they are bullied because of their low level, which is completely unfair.

What really makes me sad is when I see people judging someone because of their level. For example, I was reading the comments of a skin and a level one commented critiquing the skin. Now, they weren't hating on the skin they were simply sharing their opinion with how the skin could be better. Instantly someone commented back saying "well you are a level one, how would you know what's good or not!" This is not right at all. Just because someone has a lower level doesn't mean their opinions are not important.

We all started out as level ones so I have no idea why people think they are terrible. I doubt anyone on this site instantly started off making amazing content, it's through time and practice that you gain more skill. Calling out a level one for the sole reason that they are number one is not going to help a level one gain more confidence and skill. All you are doing is making it so that they don't want to contribute to this site.

If someone thinks that anything they make will be instantly hated because they have a low rank then they aren't going to post anything. Frankly, I would like to see them post content and even help them improve if I can. Hating on someone will not help them improve, especially for the petty reason that they are level one.

Please don't hate on anyone because of their level, I know some people spam to get up higher which is unacceptable but there is nothing we can really do to stop them. Instead, support people who are lower levels on this site, it will encourage them to keep improving at whatever they do which is much better than just spamming to get higher in level.

Everyone on PMC is important and you shouldn't base someone's worth off of the amount of XP they have.

Peace off
And bless your face

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10/13/2013 1:36 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Princess
hrtwg535's Avatar
This is true. You are amazing at skinning and art and all that.
And I remember you at level 2 or something and I have always been subbed since :)
And it proves that at level 1 you can still be a great person :)
10/13/2013 3:52 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Meme
skywalker3313's Avatar
Aww, that's super nice of you Potato :)
And yeah, you're right, people at lower levels can be awesome people too!
10/04/2013 3:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SparklehSpirit's Avatar
Ermahgerd so inspirational~ I literally started crying halfway through (dammit, im so emotional xD)
09/29/2013 3:09 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Hero
MrFang's Avatar
Honestly, the lower levels for me were great! I didn't care what people thought about my level. Nowadays, I secretly get back at them with my current level. :S
08/18/2013 12:32 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pixel Painter
MaimingRobot's Avatar
no one ever looks at my maps when they are really original and cool its just cuz im leve 3 :( i really wan to lvl up to have people not hate me!
08/19/2013 4:41 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
Builder2's Avatar
One more thing. you need better photos, ones that get people's attention. Never take screenshots at night. Take this for example: imgur.com/d0NPC0j That^ is the build I was talking about. I used a rendering program to make the photo look much better. It catches the eye. Anyway, sorry I went on for an essay, truth is I have no work currently and I'm looking for something to do. Just trying to help someone out!
08/19/2013 6:57 am
Level 21 : Expert Pixel Painter
MaimingRobot's Avatar
thank you
im not being sarcastic
08/19/2013 7:02 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
Builder2's Avatar
good :)
08/19/2013 4:40 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
Builder2's Avatar
It's actually not 'just cuz' you're 'leve' 3, it's because, currently, you're not that great of a builder.
Don't take this harshly, have a look at my account and my first builds. They go unnoticed.
But my next project I hope will get over 100 diamonds (fingers crossed).
Once you get better, people notice. You get subs, which means more views and diamonds.
Also, you need to put way, way, way more effort into your builds. 'MaimingRobot's Zombie Apoc map' is a village. It's a village, on flatlands that is walled off with a one block wide, stone brick wall.
08/18/2013 2:12 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Meme
skywalker3313's Avatar
I'm sorry :(
I don't hate you and I'm sure your maps are awesome! Just give it some time and people will see how good of a builder you are. Don't give up though, keep making maps if you like to make them :)
