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Experiment 2 : How good is the power enchant on a bow?

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flyer4life's Avatar flyer4life
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
Hey guys! I'm here today with another experiment about how effective the power enchantments are on bows. Hope you guys enjoy it!

The Experiment:

I chose 7 different mobs to test out 6 different bows on. The bows either had no enchantment or were from Power 1 - 5. No other enchantments were aded to any bow. Since distance affects arrow strength, I shot all arrows from a constant 30 blocks away, except for the Ghast and EnderDragon, since those are flying mobs. I went through 3 trials for each bow for each mob and took the median value, since it is a more robust number compared to the average. The difficulty was also kept constant in hard mode.

The Results:

Here are the enchantments, mobs, and number of hits it took to kill results:

Regular Bow

Witch - 6 ; Ghast - 2 ; Zombie - 3 ; Mooshroom - 2 ; Villager - 3 ; Zombie Pigman - 4 ; EnderDragon - 58.

Power 1

Witch - 3 ; Ghast - 1 ; Zombie - 2 ; Mooshroom - 1 ; Villager - 2 ; Zombie Pigman - 2 ; EnderDragon - 41.

Power 2

Witch - 3 ; Ghast - 1 ; Zombie - 2 ; Mooshroom - 1 ; Villager - 2 ; Zombie Pigman - 2 ; EnderDragon - 42.

Power 3

Witch - 2 ; Ghast - 1 ; Zombie - 2 ; Mooshroom - 1 ; Villager - 2 ; Zombie Pigman - 2 ; EnderDragon - 28.

Power 4

Witch - 2 ; Ghast - 1 ; Zombie - 2 ; Mooshroom - 1 ; Villager - 2 ; Zombie Pigman - 2 ; EnderDragon - 26.

Power 5

Witch - 2 ; Ghast - 1 ; Zombie - 2 ; Mooshroom - 1 ; Villager - 2 ; Zombie Pigman - 2 ; EnderDragon - 18.


After seeing the results, I was quite surprised. Obviously, there was a significant difference found between regular bows and power 1 bows. However, except for the witch and EnderDragon, Power 1 and every enchant up to Power 5 took the same number of hits to kill the mobs.

This means that when dealing with mobs that have nearly the same health, any power enchant will do. On the other hand, when dealing with PvP and when the other player is heavily armed, Power 5 will come in very handy. I draw this conclusion from the EnderDragon results in which the difference in hits from Power 1 and Power 5 was 56%.

From these results, we can also group the Power enchants for survival and PvP purposes. When spending precious XP levels on trying to get power 2, we might want to reconsider because the difference between powers 1 and 2 was shown to be minimal. Similarly, we can group Pwers 3 and 4 as they had close results even on mobs with massive amounts of health such as bosses. On an "everyday" basis, Power 5 holds no advantage, but when opponent health increases, it clearly is the best bow enchant out there.

Hopefully that wasn't confusing, feel free to comment for any clarification =)

Hope you guys enjoyed this fun little experiment!

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11/06/2014 6:05 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Kzomutt's Avatar
Hit me up Flyer. iKzomutt@gmail.com
11/06/2014 7:28 pm
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
flyer4life's Avatar
sure, making a return to building? haha
11/06/2014 12:30 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon
Dralyona's Avatar
Very useful blog. Interesting discovery, great testing. Even still, for everyday use, power 5 is the best for the simple fact that it is elite.
Thanks for making this,
11/06/2014 7:27 pm
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
flyer4life's Avatar
totally agreed and thank you!
11/05/2014 12:29 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Noobso123's Avatar
ive never really thought about this... nicely written aswell :)
11/05/2014 7:17 pm
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
flyer4life's Avatar
thank you so much! =)
11/05/2014 3:01 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
InvictusBT's Avatar
Such blog, very pop reel, wow.

Nice blog though ;)
11/05/2014 7:17 pm
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
flyer4life's Avatar
haha thanks!
