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Halloween skin series on the way+top secret project reveal PMCMG

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Level 34 : Artisan Archer
Hello, Ouran65 here telling you about an upcoming Halloween skin series I'm gonna make to really get PMC into the spirit of Halloween, give your suggestions by pmsing me! :D Now for the cool bit, a secret project called The PMC Mining Group, a group of PMCer's with nothing to do, a community for fun, we hold monthly building contests E.G. this months contest is a Halloween building contest or Decembers contest will be a Christmas theme, snow trees etc. You must pm me to tell me: Your age, minecraft name and why you want to join. Now there are major terms and conditions a.k.a rules read rules 1-6 a couple of times so you are CERTAIN what to do and what NOT to do if you disobey then you will be kicked off the PMCMG
Terms and conditions:
1. Respect people higher then you E.G if you are a simple member you MUST respect Founders and elite members and if you are an elite member you MUST respect the founders etc
2. No cussing/swearing, inappropriate language and respect rule 1
3. Respect rules 1 and 2
4. You must have over 50 active posts to become elite member if you steal the banner 1 week ban
5. most importantly subscribe to all of your com-rads!

okay, okay here is the cool part the banners the top one is average member and bottom is elite members ONLY I get my own (If you are really nice to me you may get to be a founder member) (BOTTOM=FOUNDERS ONLY) if you are caught with the wrong banner 2 week ban



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