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Hating; What's the deal?

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Gabysaurus's Avatar Gabysaurus
Level 46 : Master Warrior
Everyone has those things that they like, and those things that they don’t like, and we are all entitled to like and dislike what ever we want, but when it gets to a point where you hate something so much that you feel the need to hate on it via the internet, theres an issue. I introduce to you, my take on hating.

Now personally, I don’t find PewdiePie that funny, and i don’t really like him all that much. But my personal opinion doesn't give me the right to go on all his videos and say “Ew pewdiepie i hate you you suck!” or for me to go tell people i know are fans of his to “f off”. What i don't understand, is why people sometimes just feel the need to go and do so! Hating something is on thing, but hating on it is completely different, and very unnecessary!

Sometimes when I’m on my youtube, surfing around, i see really, and when i say really, i seriously mean really bad hate comments on some videos. I feel bad for the people who get those hate comments because they put work into whatever they did, and to have someone hate on it simply because they don't like minecraft, or they don’t like their voice, is ridiculous! There have been times where I’ve gotten hate messages in my inbox, as well as on my youtube videos saying how much they suck and how much that person hates them. That kind of stuff is hurtful and is one of the main reasons that small youtubers quit.

Another thing i'd like to address is the dislike buttons on youtube. Why are they were? I understand that youtube wants you to have the option to like or dislike something, but to give that certain person negative vibes because of a personal opinion you have is outrageous! If you don't like the video or whatever it is youre hating on, just don't look at it! Its that simple! I applaud facebook and PMC for not falling under the same trap as youtube did by adding a dislike button. It shows that these sites and their developers actually care if people get hate messages, and that they don’t condon hating on things.

I’m sure some people will have the whole “freedom of speech” take on the matter and proceed to hate on this blog, or me, or whatever but to be honest, that goes against yourself completely. The people who you are hating on are just using their freedom of speech to display what they like, and to hate on that, is basically saying “well i don't like this so you can't do it anymore”. To be honest, haters do actually sometimes contribute a lot to peoples fame and success (look at what happened to Rebecca Black), but it still doesn't give anyone the right to hate. Peace and love is the way to go!  ^.^
CreditHaters around the world who gave me something to write about :)

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03/09/2016 3:28 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Meme
VeryMadCrafter's Avatar
I agree with you. The reason I came here was because I`ve encountered hate myself, shortly after returning to PMC. I personally don`t click on videos that I don`t like just to say "booah you suck", I find it...useless and that`s just a waste of time. Unfortunately there will always be haters, as long as people won`t learn to respect each other.
03/10/2016 11:16 am
Level 46 : Master Warrior
Gabysaurus's Avatar
Yeah man, it sucks that people do it :/ Its the worst when you work so hard on something and instead of constructive criticism its just insults
12/21/2015 3:32 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
People like to hate because sometimes something wrong in their life and they want to take it out on others. The only acceptable thing to hate is hate itself like racism and genocide.
12/21/2015 10:31 pm
Level 46 : Master Warrior
Gabysaurus's Avatar
Very well said.
06/17/2015 2:39 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
This is honestly one of the best blogs I've ever seen. I don't get a lot of hate, but when I do it's ususally just because I'm a fan of Five Nights at Freddy's. ;-;
06/17/2015 11:08 pm
Level 46 : Master Warrior
Gabysaurus's Avatar
i love fnaf!! also thanks so much that means a lot to me!
01/20/2015 11:22 am
Level 42 : Master Pokemon
RandomMelonHere's Avatar
35th diamonder woo!
06/17/2015 2:36 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
10/14/2014 6:29 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
KiddShadow's Avatar
On the note about the first amendment: Everyone has their opinions, good or bad, and it's unjust to restrain some people from sharing their veiws. Granted some stuff is really mean, if one tells another to stop youtubing because one thinks quite negativly of someone, its necessary that we respect that others can have unethical opinions. Of course, the internet is not really like a nation run by a central goverment that needs to acknowledge rights, nor owned by any goverment power, but rather an index (for lack of a better word) of multiple different comapnies with different rules depending on where one wanders off to, so any sort of "freedom of speech" is really just up to the owners of a website, thus making it an empty claim.

I really would have more to say and probably a less confusing way of sayin' it, but I just had a migrane so I'm still a little loopy in the head. My apologies.
10/15/2014 4:03 pm
Level 46 : Master Warrior
Gabysaurus's Avatar
Very well said, thanks for commenting that :D
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