Minecraft Blogs / Art

HD minecraft skins by harhar17

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Level 46 : Master Blob

hey guys here are some hd skins that if been working on for ages. if you want to use the skins copy the images below and paste it onto the desktop; after that rename the image char.png then go into the minecraft jar folder then go into mob. once in mob find the image called char.png , delete it. next grab the image from your desktop and drag it into the mob folder, after that open up minecraft and play! ps. you need WINRAR to do it.iconmaggot



iconspaz monkey

hope you guys enjoy:)

and if you have any ideas on what i shoild make next, post

a message below.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by harhar17 09/08/2012 4:50:09 amSep 8th, 2012

noone saw it

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