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HD Skin for HD Skin Contest ( John Marston )

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trenty43's Avatar trenty43
Level 40 : Master Dolphin
This is been something I have been working on for a little bit then left alone until I saw that the PMC skinning association was doing a contest for HD skins. This Is the super awesome outlaw John Marston from one of my favorite games Red Dead Redemption. He is seriously really awesome.

Please support by Commenting, giving a Diamond, or a Favorite, it really does help.

Here is a link to the PMC Skinning Association's blog post: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/the-pmc-skinning-association---introduction-d/

Here is a link to the HD Skin Contest: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/pmc-skinning-associations-hd-skin-contest/

Here is the link to the skin: http://www.hdminecraftskins.com/e107/skinview.php?id=1349816436&sid=27130

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06/24/2013 12:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
9MMz's Avatar
Could you please update link for the skin, Thank You.
