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callofgaming's Avatar callofgaming
Level 22 : Expert Cake
Hey Guys. I haven't uploaded something in a while, so here it is. So, I'm a maniac about Herobrine, and I believe him. This is gonna be a short blog. I'm just asking, If you had any strange situations that may be related to Herobrine, please tell me about it on the comments. Your comment might not be answered, but it will be read. I'm not a premium user, I've got cracked 1.3.2 minecraft. If you want to play with me, make a cracked server and tell me. Please don't lie or whatever. Although, Till next week, I'll be staying at my summer house, and I haven't got Internet there.

Report your experiences, Favorite and Comment! Check out my other Herobrine Blogs for more info

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Dat Tree Gaming
08/20/2013 12:21 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Dat Tree Gaming's Avatar
You all know that he never existed, right? It's a joke that Mojang pulls on gullible little kids without knowledge of coding or premium accounts.
08/11/2013 8:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HerobrineResearch101's Avatar
hello guys, I am HerobrineResearcher my name is Samantha. This is all very, very, very helpful for my research on the mysterious player known as herobrine. I myself have had a serious inccident with herobrine: I was making a new world with the seed longliveherobrine. When I spawned I was instantly dead! I left the "youdied" screen up and who but herobrine himself came into view! please continue this work callofgaming. I need all the help I can get!
09/30/2012 10:23 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Wizard
cowsareawesome's Avatar
I thought I saw herobrine once... I think I have a screenshot somewhere, I'll look for it.
09/30/2012 2:25 pm
Level 22 : Expert Cake
callofgaming's Avatar
awesome! I'll be waiting
08/21/2012 1:30 pm
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
gmaster2001's Avatar
he really didnt have a name obove his body. i was just mining looking for diamonds and all of a sudden i see two bright white lights i got near them hoping they were some torches from a stronghold but as i got closer i could make out a form that looked like steve. i quit the game to see if my friend tryed to trick me and mess with my texture packs but i was on default texture pack but, when i got back on the single player world he was gone. ever since then i havent seen him any more. now i try to research him and try to see if i can find out more about him.
08/23/2012 1:02 pm
Level 22 : Expert Cake
callofgaming's Avatar
Holy crap! Cool...Do you have a photo, a vid or seed, anything? Plus, what's the game version?
08/23/2012 1:38 pm
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
gmaster2001's Avatar
no i dont have any pictures or videos i do have a seed though its 7976822153581978958 i was on minecraft 1.1
08/24/2012 5:30 am
Level 22 : Expert Cake
callofgaming's Avatar
Another Question: That world, where you found him, do you play on it for a long time?
08/26/2012 9:14 am
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
gmaster2001's Avatar
Yes i have been playing on that world for a long time and strange things have happened like i was new on mc so i was messing around with tnt but one night when it was raining i went to sleep. when i was in bed i heard a loud explosion. when i woke up the tnt i left out at night had blown up about half of the little village i had made! then when i was making a subway (just for the fun of it) and my torch went out and when i turned around it turned on! But the strangest thing that has happened so far was that when i was making a roller coaster there was a dim glow in the distance as i got closer it was a redstone torch on top of a brick block floating in mid air!
08/26/2012 1:15 pm
Level 22 : Expert Cake
callofgaming's Avatar
Got any pictures? Or anything else useful? Even info that might not have use?
08/20/2012 6:31 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
LittleMonster332's Avatar
Is the picture of the blog faked?
