Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Herobrine Horror | Command Block Tutorial

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Brodie The Nerd
Level 44 : Master Nerd
PHey guys! We have all seen commands that summon a Zombie that looks like Herobrine and it get's a bit boring! While it does give the player a challenge there's no sense of horror. Well that's what this tutorial will (hopefully) create in your world. And the great parts are it only requires four command blocks, it is probably the best prank ever and it is completely customisable!

To start off you will need to make a redstone clock. The longer this clock is, the longer it takes for Herobrine to appear/disappear (three full ones worked best in my opinion). place two redstone wires going to two different command blocks. In one of them, type in the following command:
The First Command
/execute @a[rym=-45,ry=45] ~ ~ ~ /summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~-10 {CustomName:Herobrine,ArmorItems:[{},{Count:1,id:iron_leggings},{Count:1,id:diamond_chestplate},{Count:1,id:skull,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:MHF_Herobrine}}],ShowArms:1,Rotation:[0f,0f],Invisible:0,Invulnerable:1}
If you need an explanation of how this works to customise it, click the following tab. Otherwise, move on.
/summon Command Broken Down
This command has multiple parts that can be customised to your will.

@a[rym=-45,ry=45] This part detects where the player is facing. Any angles between these two angles (with rym being the smallest angle) will be detected. This detects when players are looking south, but you can customise to your will.

~ ~ ~-10 These coordinates can be changed to whatever is necessary. You can make him spawn in front of someone, blocking their road, or behind someone, scaring them if they look around too quickly.

ArmorItems:[{},{Count:1,id:iron_leggings},{Count:1,id:diamond_chestplate},{Count:1,id:skull,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:MHF_Herobrine}}] This large section is all of the items that Herobrine will wear. You can change the armour to whatever you like if you think what he is currently wearing isn't good enough. You can even just remove everything apart from his head and change Invisible:0 to 1. Just remember that the order goes boots, leggings, chestplate, helmet.

Rotation:[0f,0f] This data tag changes the rotation of Herobrine, just remember that the first one rotates him around the y axis and the second one rotates him around the axis, so 0f,180f will have Herobrine facing south upside down (if you want it to be a bit creepier.

In the other command block type in this much simpler command:
The Simpler Command
/kill @e[name=Herobrine]
All that this does is remove any older Herobrine armour stands so things don't get weird.

The next two command blocks don't require the redstone clock. Place down a command block, set it to "Repeating" and "Always Active" and type in the following command:
Another Command
/execute @e[name=Herobrine] ~ ~ ~ /kill @a[r=3]
This command can be customised by changing r=3 to whatever number. The smaller the number, the closer someone has to be to Herobrine to be killed! Three blocks work best in my opinion because it requires the player to sprint to Herobrine but still make it just before he vanishes.

Place down one more "Repeating" command block, set it to "Always Active", and type in this final command:
The last command (finally):
/execute @e[name=Herobrine] ~ ~ ~ /particle smoke ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0.5 10
This command can easily be customised. You can change "smoke" to "flame" or whatever other particle you think will fit. You can change 0.5 to how quickly the particles move. And, you can change 10 to how many particles are spawned every tick.

And there you go! You have made yourself horrifying Herobrine, haunting your world, stalking anyone who looks away, following them wherever they go and kills anyone that gets too close! Be sure to subscribe for more blogs and diamond this post if you found it helpful or if you liked it! And yes, I understand that the blog photo is Herobrine stalking a Herobrine!

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Geezt Jeez
10/28/2017 12:15 pm
Level 22 : Expert Sus
How To Do Particle In Pocket Edition?
Brodie The Nerd
10/28/2017 5:52 pm
Level 44 : Master Nerd
You can only summon blue particles and that is by placing a repeating command block set to always active with the command: “/summon splash_potion x y z”, you can’t change the type because in pocket edition, nbt tags are not a thing. Also, it will be very noisy.
Geezt Jeez
10/16/2018 10:55 am
Level 22 : Expert Sus
Now, they have /particle, can you help me plz?
Brodie The Nerd
10/20/2018 5:08 am
Level 44 : Master Nerd
I admire the 12-month dedication.

The command would be:
/execute @e[type=armor_stand,name=Herobrine] ~ ~ ~ /particle smoke ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0.03 20

Here's it broken down:
"/execute @e[type=armor_stand,name=Herobrine] ~ ~ ~" - finds the location of your Herobrine
"/particle smoke ~ ~ ~ " - spawns a smoke type particle at the exact location found
"0 0 0 " - how spread out the particles spawn in an x y z radius
"0.03 " - how fast the particles move
"20" - how many particles spawn at a time

You are welcome xD

EDIT: turns out this was already mentioned in the blog xD
10/26/2017 6:49 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
This is cool! I need help with commands non a server I made in a server. Could you join mc.minehut.com and then do /join Jokil when I am online?
Brodie The Nerd
10/26/2017 6:47 pm
Level 44 : Master Nerd
I'm on. Invite me when you come online!
10/26/2017 10:36 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
I'm online most of the time. I saw you btw ;3
Brodie The Nerd
10/26/2017 7:15 am
Level 44 : Master Nerd
I might be able to but I am busy on a couple maps + school. No promises but this isn’t a no.
10/26/2017 6:44 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
How to create/summon a Mansion with command blocks
Brodie The Nerd
10/26/2017 7:16 am
Level 44 : Master Nerd
/clone and a couple scoreboard objectives. Really doesn’t require an entire tutorial. Thanks for the suggestion anyway :)
