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Herobrine Sighting! No mods, multiplayer, anything.

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A_B_C_HAM's Avatar A_B_C_HAM
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
I have found (or rather found me) the legendary Herobrine. At least, I think that's what I saw. I was building my house in singleplayer in peaceful mode, and had just started playing this world. It was in the forest, and things were lagging pretty terribly. I set my render distance to tiny, and that fixed the problem pretty quickly. Though, I had seen no animals around, which was strange, but I ignored it. I turned around to gather more wood, and jumped out of my seat. To the right of my screen I saw an obviously huminoid mob. The figure was completely black, or at least it seemed, because a split second is all I had to spectate before it vanished as soon as it came. The sound it had made when it appeared was similar to the sounds taunting the player in a cave, only very much more exaggerated. I immediately exited the game and looked into the minecraft file to see if the Herobrine mod was still in use. Nothing. I had deleted that mod months ago, along with all other mods I had used. Does anyone know what I saw? I'm a strict believer in Herobrine, but I hate made up stories, and I promise this is not one of them. Please reply or message me if you have had a similar experience yourself.

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04/05/2013 11:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zozozoeH's Avatar
I was on my Zeldacraft server just horsing around when a guy with the ign Herobrine came up. He had the skin and then his skin became mine but he was carrying the diamond sword i got from a admin. i had died about a week earlier in lava with that sword. I almost wet my pants so i went to hide in the dance party warp. i was sitting listening to the piston and note block music when a shrine appeared and a flint and stone fell from the ceiling. before i could light the shrine Herobrine appeared and shot my admin friend with lighting. I got off that server. I am not kidding.
02/10/2013 10:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
atm12345's Avatar
I actually saw him, no mutliplayer, no mods. He didno t really look like the normal Herobrine. It looked like the Herobrine Reborn, a skin Aceex13. I minimized it, checking minecraft.jar. I saw no texture, so I went back. where Herobrine was, for a split second there was lightning, he turn into a red-eyed enderman. I randomly found a Nether Portal, so I went through. He went in too. but actually came into the Nether. Except this Nether was different. It was made of End stone. Also, even though I was on the computer, I saw glowing obsidian. I also found gold blocks and Emerald Ore. I looked back, and saw him AND the Enderman he turned into. Soon, Minecraft crashed. It ended up as a troller, but I couldno t find out his username...
04/05/2013 11:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zozozoeH's Avatar
He is real! I saw him too!
10/13/2012 11:19 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
marius_3_3_3's Avatar
1. You have no proof other then words you could have easily made up
2. Herobrines file does not exist in the minecraft JAR, therefore not allowing the entity to exist
3. The mojang staff have stated many times that he is fake
10/08/2012 8:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Mrnomymine's Avatar
WHERES THE EVIDENCE you cant just say something with people thinking its real.Take screenshots and and show its him.
10/09/2012 10:05 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
A_B_C_HAM's Avatar
I have no proof. I saw him for a split second, not enough time for a screenshot. You don't have to believe me.
10/08/2012 8:13 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
If the mob was tall it was an Enderman if it had purple eyes.

If it was all black it wasn't Herobrine.He's not real anyway, there's no code, Notch and other Mojang members have said he's not real, and he started as a CreepyPasta, which the creators of the CreepyPasta have admitted that it was not true/Herobrine is not real/it was a hoax.
10/09/2012 10:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
A_B_C_HAM's Avatar
Creepypasta hadn't made up the Herobrine story, just repeated it. And he prabobaly wasn't black, it just seemed like it for the split second I saw him.
10/08/2012 7:52 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
browneyedgirl's Avatar
i was on a server the pwego server and a dude claimed to see herobrine so i used the warp to get there and then right there i saw him. 2 hrs later(everybody thought i was lieing about herobrine) me and the dude who saw him went searching for him. i fell down a whole and an invisible person covered me in bedrock and then broke two blocks in front of me.in front of me was an abandoned mineshaft. i searched down it every hallway i passed i started getting more creeped out,so i decided to go to spawn and leave.
10/08/2012 8:11 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
Since its in multi-player its obviously a plug-in.
