Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Hey guys I will teach how to change recipe of lucky block from the lucky block mod

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wesley 10santos
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Some of you may already know this!

1.find and go to config in your .minecraft folder

2. find the folder "lucky" then open it then open the txt file inside

3. Find ">properties" then under it you should see something that says recipe
     You should see something like this "recipe=ggg,gdg,ggg,g,gold_ingot,d,dropper"

4.Think of how you would want to craft the lucky block
    Lets say you want to craft it with a cobblestone surrounded with dirt

                                Like this:

5.This is where changing the recipe would happen
 you would change the "recipe" to this

the first 3 d's determines the top row of the crafting table, dcd in the middle row, and the final 3 d's is the bottom row

d can be any block you want and not just dirt
after doing the three rows you can each letter should determine a block
and that is the d,dirt,c,cobblestone
so if you do it like this d,cobblestone,c,dirt
the recipe would change to a dirt surrounded with cobblestone 

You can do it in any way you like but you should use the complete item name
 you know like in 1.8 you have to type
/give (playername) minecraft:diamond_block

So thats all you have to do!
Enjoy (-;


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08/20/2015 3:40 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman System
Nao mod :=(
