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Hiring admins for server

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TNTanner's Avatar TNTanner
Level 21 : Expert Toast
I'm hiring admins for a pvp server. If you would like to join please fill out this application. I'll get back to you if I like
your application.
Owner- TNTanner
Co-owner- DereckMorgado
Head-Admin- ________
Admin - ______
Admin- _______



Skype? (Yes or no):

Have you ever been admin?:

How long have you been playing?:

What position are you applying for?:

Please state why you would like to be admin on my server:

What skill do you have? (building, plugins, PvP, etc):

And add more about yourself here:

Create an account or sign in to comment.

03/17/2020 1:41 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Godspeed110308YT's Avatar


Skype? (Yes or no):Yes

Have you ever been admin?:Yes I have also owned servers before not anymore tho

How long have you been playing?about 7 years

What position are you applying for?:Admin Or Mod

Please state why you would like to be admin on my server:I love pvp servers and I want to make new friends and grow community's

What skill do you have? (building, plugins, PvP, etc):plugins

And add more about yourself here:I know commands really good and I'm nice and I have made some working plugins before.
08/23/2019 1:48 am
Level 1 : New Network
VerifiedClu's Avatar
IGN: VerifiedClu.

Age: 13.

Skype? (Yes or no): Yes.

Have you ever been admin?: Yes I Have.

How long have you been playing?: About 6 years now.

What position are you applying for?: Head Admin.

Please state why you would like to be admin on my server: Because I would love to help out, and grow your community, catch all the hackers possible on it, and Learn new people.

What skill do you have? (building, plugins, PvP, etc): I am very good at PVP, And staying calm, and kind in every situation

And add more about yourself here: I am a very kind, caring, and helpful person. I love to help others when they need it, and I also like to catch as many hackers on as many servers as possible. I love to meet new people in different community's, and make new friends.
07/09/2019 5:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
LOLgaBOT's Avatar

Skype: yes

I have never been an admin in Minecraft (I have been an admin on a Roblox group a while back)

Age: 13

I have been playing Minecraft for around 6-7 years.

I would be more than happy to have any position.

I would like to be an admin mainly for the experience because I do believe that it would help me later in life. I also think that it would be a fun thing to do.

I am fairly good at building, I know the basic commands, I could probably learn to use the plugins fast, and I am terrible at PVP.

I would be stoked if you could allow me on your server, best regards
06/10/2019 11:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
moosecraftfan10's Avatar


Skype? (Yes or no):no I have discord

Have you ever been admin?:never

How long have you been playing?:7

What position are you applying for?: head admin

Please state why you would like to be admin on my server:I want to help your server and stop hackers

What skill do you have? (building, plugins, PvP, etc):PvP

And add more about yourself here:well I play pn 1.12 im nice and I love to play soccer
06/10/2019 11:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
moosecraftfan10's Avatar
I want to be a head admin
No I want to be a admin never been a admin
7 years
I want to be a head admin because I want to see if people do right things I want them to have fun and make some changes


so I love to play soccer I am a good person and love my school!
also no skype sorry but I got discord btw my username is adis#5663 also I use 1.12
USERNAME:moosecraftfan10I want to be a head admin
No I want to be a admin never been a admin
7 years
I want to be a head admin because I want to see if people do right things I want them to have fun and make some changes


so I love to play soccer I am a good person and love my school!
also no skype sorry but I got discord btw my username is adis#5663 also I use 1.12
05/18/2019 10:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ARF-The-Wild-Wolf-YT's Avatar


Skype? (Yes or no):no, but i have discord

Have you ever been admin?: no

How long have you been playing?:3 years

What position are you applying for?: admin

Please state why you would like to be admin on my server:cuz i dont like hackers and i wanna help

What skill do you have? (building, plugins, PvP, etc):building, redstone

And add more about yourself here: I use an official minecraft acount and client and for now i cannot go to and past 1.13 cuz I am playing on a laptop
12/24/2018 8:07 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
ZenderkingGaming's Avatar
(IDK) IGN: Username: Zenderking
Skype: No
Admin Experience: No
Playtime: 6 years
Applying for Head-Admin or Admin
I would like to be admin on your server because 1. I am bored out of my mind, 2. I owned a server but noone can join it, 3. I wanna help people
Skill: Redstone
I am 12 years old, good at redstone, and I LOVE survival mode in minecraft... I play for 7 hours a day (rest every 2hr) and live in China. (My internet connection is not very good) And I'm using cracked minecraft.
12/12/2018 9:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RainyWasTaken's Avatar
IGN: (idk wats it but heres my username) M4r3kDT

Age: 13

Skype? (Yes or no): yes, but no calls

Have you ever been admin?: nope

How long have you been playing?: i played minecraft for i think 9 years iam weird ._.

What position are you applying for?: Mod

And add more about yourself here: iam gud at comunication with players. iam not like those admins who are saying welcome to our minecraft server please come play every day :). not like that iam kinda paranoid so i dont do calls with even my friends. iam from slovakia .

Please state why you would like to be admin on my server: i just want to be a staff on some server. and i didnt played on ur server yet i just heard u are hiring

What skill do you have? (building, plugins, PvP, etc): i build kinda gud, not like pro but iam rating myself 7 from 10 i already sayed iam gud at comunication with new players.when i play on a faction server i always know how to play and getting money.
09/30/2018 7:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NoahJMan's Avatar
IGN: qop_


Skype? (Yes or no): Yes

Have you ever been admin?:
I have been a owner on my own server

How long have you been playing?:
ive been playing minecraft for 5 years

What position are you applying for?:
anyone that would be ok

Please state why you would like to be admin on my server:
I know a lot about managing and working with plugins on a server

What skill do you have? (building, plugins, PvP, etc):
Plugins, Pvp

And add more about yourself here:
I would love to be staff and what is ip of your server plz and ty hope you have a great day!!
04/05/2018 5:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XboxGamerPro123's Avatar


Skype? (Yes or no):no

Have you ever been admin?:no[]

How long have you been playing?:5 years

What position are you applying for?: admin

Please state why you would like to be admin on my server: to ban and get ri of hackers

]What skill do you have? (building, plugins, PvP, etc):building,nogotiation

And add more about yourself here: kind,follows rules,helpful
