Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How I Shade My Skins

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DMB2121's Avatar DMB2121
Level 48 : Master Narwhal
So, as the title says, I am going to make a blog about how I make my skins. In this blog I'm going to write about the many ways I shade certain parts of my skins. (my skinning technique is pretty much just a combination of others :P)

How I Shade Hair

Well, I don't like how I shade hair, it turns out pretty bad, but it looks like this:eplL

How I Shade Skin
Shading skin on the face is kinda hard to explain, so here i looks like when I do it :PjeCL

For shading the arms, what I do is go to the far right side of the front arm, go six pixels down, then put my darkest skin color down.Then I put lighter shades around the darker shade. After that, it should look like this:NqL

How I Shade The Body
First, I take the darkest shade and put it on the far right, and far left on the top of the body, then do the same on the bottom of the body of the front and back of the body.You know what? This is too hard too explain, just follow this picture XD qUvLy

How I Shade Pants
Get the lightest shade for your pants and put it two pixels right from the far right, then seven down. Then make darker shades around it. Then it should look something like this. MAZP

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06/30/2014 12:15 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Kriskersss's Avatar
i can't see the pictures
06/30/2014 1:22 pm
Level 48 : Master Narwhal
DMB2121's Avatar
Yeah, I made this a while back and I didn't do them right... Go to a different tutorial; this was written poorly and is out of date.
06/30/2014 2:35 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Kriskersss's Avatar
okay but im gussing great tutorial
12/03/2012 1:12 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
3DJason_Minecraft's Avatar
OHH now i get it.

look at my new skin to see if i got it right.
12/03/2012 8:53 pm
Level 48 : Master Narwhal
DMB2121's Avatar
The skin looks pretty good, you followed this tutorial well! You're new skin looks a lot like mine when I started getting good at shading!
12/03/2012 8:56 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
3DJason_Minecraft's Avatar
u ready 4 battle?
12/03/2012 9:00 pm
Level 48 : Master Narwhal
DMB2121's Avatar
11/30/2012 9:12 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
ajdog0106's Avatar
Hey can you please check me out on pmc as well as my newest blog about my brother
11/30/2012 11:40 am
Level 40 : Master Steve
Stevenleonon's Avatar
For the body, it looks like you put the darkest shade in the corner, then right around those pixels, you get 1-2 shades lighter, then around those, another 1-2 shades lighter, and so on.
11/30/2012 11:43 am
Level 48 : Master Narwhal
DMB2121's Avatar
yeah, thats how I shade the body, it just was hard for me to put in words :P
