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How Minecraft 1.4 Has Changed Map Making

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Spidermoon's Avatar Spidermoon
Level 38 : Artisan Herobrine
Map making has been GREATLY affected in the 1.4 update of Minecraft. Mainly adventure map making, but other maps too. Adventure maps have been the key role to creativity in Minecraft. They have allowed people to express themselves in ways they couldn't without a story to a great, fun map. For example, just look at Hypixel's "Herobrine's Mansion" adventure map, which is one of the best adventure maps ever made to this day.

The command block has had a HUGE impact on what you can accomplish in a Minecraft world. With help from the command block, you can spawn certain mobs, you can teleport players to a certain spot in the world, and you can make it talk without actually being on a multiplayer server. Without the command block, Minecraft map making would be a lot less amazing. There a lot of other ways 1.4 has affected map making too, but I'm not going to get into that, because it would take days for me just to type everything that you can do in the 1.4 update that you couldn't before.

That's pretty much it for this blog post. Remember, if you've enjoyed, be sure to favorite, diamond, or subscribe. You can also check out my adventure maps, skins, and other blog posts too. Until next time, I'm Spidermoon, and I'll see you in the nether! ;)

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