Published Apr 26th, 2016, 4/26/16 9:55 am
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Part 4 of the Minecraft Tutorial that covers everything! Enjoy :D
What is Annihilation?
Annihilation is a team based game. Where 4 teams, Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, compete with each other in order to destroy the other team's nexi (or nexuses? Idk). The nexus is a block of endstone located in the heart of a team's base. And starts with 75 health. Each time it is broken subtracts one (1) point of health until it is destroyed, turning it into bedrock and eliminating the nexus' team and their ability to respawn.
TL;DR: Anni is a game where 4 teams compete to destroy the other 3 teams' nexus.. Last team with a nexus wins.
5 Phases
The game is divided into 5 phases, 4 of which last 10 minutes until transitioning into the next, with the last phase standing until the game ends.
Phase One - 10 Minutes
The game starts, each nexus is invincible, recommended time to gather resources.
Phase Two - 10 Minutes
Nexus' invincibility wears off, allowing it to be damaged.
Phase Three - 10 Minutes
Diamonds spawn in the center of the map. Teams members would begin fighting for control over mid to allow their team to (safely) gather diamonds.
Phase Four - 10 Minutes
Blaze Powder, a vital brewing ingredient, is now available from the brewing shop. Which can be accessed with a sign saying [Brewing].
Phase Five - Until the end of the game
Nexus is dealt double damage to speed up the game should it take long.
On most servers, gravel yields arrows, flint, bones, and string. It may also yield a small amount of xp.
The "currency" of Annihilation, used in purchasing perks or kits. Obtained by killing, winning, dealing damage to nexus (by allies and by yourself), and (on some servers) losing.
Always present in games, rushing is the act of heading into an enemy team's base, and dealing damage to their nexus. And if possible, escaping.
Recommended Kits (May not exist on other servers)
Spy (Becomes invisible when standing still or sneaking, allowing an escape or a sneaky entrance)
Assassin (Becomes invisible with jump boost, allowing an escape or a sneaky entrance)
Scout (Possesses a grappling hook, allowing better positioning)
Transporter (Can make portals, allowing dozens to simultaneously rush)
-Be as sneaky as possible, in both entrance and exit (if you even live, :P)
-Use places which aren't being guarded by enemies.
-Rotate the teams which you rush, as you will most often find the same team guarding the next time.
-If you can go invisible, assess the equipment of the guards! Do they have full iron? Enchanted gear? Bows? In order to alert your team should they attempt to rush the team.
-Prepare as much as possible! strength potions, regeneration potions, invisibility potions, enchanted swords, enchanted swords, enchanted golden apples, etc. Even if it's one force, make it a force to be reckoned with!
-Weaken your opponents defenses before going for a full on rush!
-If you make a portal, make it as secluded and hidden as possible, even if it's under a single slab, make it blend in with the surroundings!
Combat (1.9) and (1.8)
Some Kits (May or may not exist on other servers, as some of them exist on only the server I play Anni on)
Positioning Kits
Can create portals to link two parts of the map and allow their team to access both. Portals are removed upon death, and can be manually broken.
Can teleport 10 blocks in the direction their facing.
Rift Walker
Can teleport to allies which aren't near a nexus. Can bring up to two extra teammates with them
Can swap places with enemies.
Agility-Based Kits
Permanent speed boost and possesses a grappling hook (a fishing rod) which pulls them to where it is hooked onto.
Can jump high, immune to fall damage.
Can become invisible, with bonus haste and movement speed. Using ability removes armor, attacking or getting attacked re-equips the armor.
Can lay vines on walls, allowing allies and enemies to traverse them.
Offensive Kits
Each kill grants an extra heart with a maximum of 15.
Deals an extra heart with any sword. (Note that it is not pure damage, and is ignored by armor and such)
Supportive Kits
Can heal allies in the midst of battle. Health increases the longer he/she lives.
Each point of damage on a nexus has a small chance of increasing their team's nexus by 1 point.
Grants buffs to allies and debuffs to enemies.
(These are only few of the countless kits a server with Annihilation could have)
General Tips
-Rush when least expected and target teams with poor defense.
-Farm! If you can, prepare fully enchanted diamond armor, enchanted diamond sword, enchanted bow, strength and regeneration potions, and farm xp!
-Never get cocky as you will never know an opponent's skill!
-Always watch your back when mining!
-Getting farmed? Swap them onto the edge of the map, and hit 'em off! (May be a bannable offense on some servers)
-Don't troll! Breaking a teammate's crafting table, stealing potions, etc just sows hatred among your allies, and you yourself could get trolled!
-Get decently well at PvP as this game contains ALOT of it.
Thanks for reading! :D
What is Annihilation?
Annihilation is a team based game. Where 4 teams, Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, compete with each other in order to destroy the other team's nexi (or nexuses? Idk). The nexus is a block of endstone located in the heart of a team's base. And starts with 75 health. Each time it is broken subtracts one (1) point of health until it is destroyed, turning it into bedrock and eliminating the nexus' team and their ability to respawn.
TL;DR: Anni is a game where 4 teams compete to destroy the other 3 teams' nexus.. Last team with a nexus wins.
5 Phases
The game is divided into 5 phases, 4 of which last 10 minutes until transitioning into the next, with the last phase standing until the game ends.
Phase One - 10 Minutes
The game starts, each nexus is invincible, recommended time to gather resources.
Phase Two - 10 Minutes
Nexus' invincibility wears off, allowing it to be damaged.
Phase Three - 10 Minutes
Diamonds spawn in the center of the map. Teams members would begin fighting for control over mid to allow their team to (safely) gather diamonds.
Phase Four - 10 Minutes
Blaze Powder, a vital brewing ingredient, is now available from the brewing shop. Which can be accessed with a sign saying [Brewing].
Phase Five - Until the end of the game
Nexus is dealt double damage to speed up the game should it take long.
On most servers, gravel yields arrows, flint, bones, and string. It may also yield a small amount of xp.
The "currency" of Annihilation, used in purchasing perks or kits. Obtained by killing, winning, dealing damage to nexus (by allies and by yourself), and (on some servers) losing.
Always present in games, rushing is the act of heading into an enemy team's base, and dealing damage to their nexus. And if possible, escaping.
Recommended Kits (May not exist on other servers)
Spy (Becomes invisible when standing still or sneaking, allowing an escape or a sneaky entrance)
Assassin (Becomes invisible with jump boost, allowing an escape or a sneaky entrance)
Scout (Possesses a grappling hook, allowing better positioning)
Transporter (Can make portals, allowing dozens to simultaneously rush)
-Be as sneaky as possible, in both entrance and exit (if you even live, :P)
-Use places which aren't being guarded by enemies.
-Rotate the teams which you rush, as you will most often find the same team guarding the next time.
-If you can go invisible, assess the equipment of the guards! Do they have full iron? Enchanted gear? Bows? In order to alert your team should they attempt to rush the team.
-Prepare as much as possible! strength potions, regeneration potions, invisibility potions, enchanted swords, enchanted swords, enchanted golden apples, etc. Even if it's one force, make it a force to be reckoned with!
-Weaken your opponents defenses before going for a full on rush!
-If you make a portal, make it as secluded and hidden as possible, even if it's under a single slab, make it blend in with the surroundings!
Combat (1.9) and (1.8)
Some Kits (May or may not exist on other servers, as some of them exist on only the server I play Anni on)
Positioning Kits
Can create portals to link two parts of the map and allow their team to access both. Portals are removed upon death, and can be manually broken.
Can teleport 10 blocks in the direction their facing.
Rift Walker
Can teleport to allies which aren't near a nexus. Can bring up to two extra teammates with them
Can swap places with enemies.
Agility-Based Kits
Permanent speed boost and possesses a grappling hook (a fishing rod) which pulls them to where it is hooked onto.
Can jump high, immune to fall damage.
Can become invisible, with bonus haste and movement speed. Using ability removes armor, attacking or getting attacked re-equips the armor.
Can lay vines on walls, allowing allies and enemies to traverse them.
Offensive Kits
Each kill grants an extra heart with a maximum of 15.
Deals an extra heart with any sword. (Note that it is not pure damage, and is ignored by armor and such)
Supportive Kits
Can heal allies in the midst of battle. Health increases the longer he/she lives.
Each point of damage on a nexus has a small chance of increasing their team's nexus by 1 point.
Grants buffs to allies and debuffs to enemies.
(These are only few of the countless kits a server with Annihilation could have)
General Tips
-Rush when least expected and target teams with poor defense.
-Farm! If you can, prepare fully enchanted diamond armor, enchanted diamond sword, enchanted bow, strength and regeneration potions, and farm xp!
-Never get cocky as you will never know an opponent's skill!
-Always watch your back when mining!
-Getting farmed? Swap them onto the edge of the map, and hit 'em off! (May be a bannable offense on some servers)
-Don't troll! Breaking a teammate's crafting table, stealing potions, etc just sows hatred among your allies, and you yourself could get trolled!
-Get decently well at PvP as this game contains ALOT of it.
Thanks for reading! :D
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