Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How To Apply A Mod To Minecraft [Windows|Winrar]

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xPureCookiex's Avatar xPureCookiex
Level 12 : Journeyman Artist
Hello guys ever wanted to know how to apply a mod to minecraft with winders and Winrar and not known how?Well if you follow these steps you should be able to ace it:

1.)Install the required mods and stuff that the mod says you need. (the mod, Modloader ect.)

2.)Have the files open ready to apply.

3.)Click the windows symbol in the left hand bottem corner and go into the search bar.

4.)Write in: %appdata%

5.)Look for a file in that calls: .Minecraft

6.)Then go into that and open the file: bin

7.)Right click the file named: Minecraft.jar Then put your mouse arrow over: Open With.

8.)The go chose default program, if Winrar isnt in recommented programs click Other Programs and then goto Winrar.

9.)Then find your way into Minecraft.jar in winrar.

10.)Then delete: META-INF

11.)Then put the mod in (remember to put in modloader or it wont work)

12.)See if the mod works if so Injoy!

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