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How can I become a pro builder - Tutorial

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Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Hey guys, Many people are thinking "O that is a nice build, I am going to make something like that too". And then you think by yourself "O yea, I can't build that good". Well, everyone can be a good builder, and in this tutorial I am going to teach you some of the most important thing of what you need to be a good builder.

In this tutorial I will be talking about:

- Willpower
- Age (It matters)
- The time for a build
- Inspiration
- Concentration
1. Willpower

This is one of the most important things you need, if you don't have the willpower you are most likely not going to finish your build or you will not even start with your build. 1 of the ways to gain willpower is by thinking to yourself "I am going to finish this build and I will not stop untill I finished it and it looks beautifull"
2. Age (It matters)

Your age counts too, altough it might not look like it. If you are at the age of like 8-9 you are most likely not going to even start with your build, or it will not even look good. Not to be mean to all of the younger people, but all of the very detailed buildings are most likely made by the older people.
3. The time for a build.

This is something very important, because if you want to make a very detailed build, for example: A huge detailed castle. It will take much time, there are many people out there who think that they will finish a very detailed build in about 2 hours. Thats (sadly ;)) not true, if you are making a very detailed build, it can take anywhere from 7 to like 21 days, in some cases even longer.
4. Inspiration

This is something that depends on something, and that thing is: are you a starter or a veteran builder. If you are a starter, it is recommended that you look for some inspiration on for example Google, because if you are a starter and you are going to build something from the back of your head, your build will most likely not look good, but even look ugly. However, if you are a veteran builder, you can of course build something from the back of your head and make it look good. But veteran builder are also finding inspiration on the Internet.
5. Concentration.

This is a very important but small step. You really need concentration when you are making a project. Because if you don't have the concentration you will most likely not finish your build. You will leave your build behind and never look at it again. This is very sin. You can gain concentration, by for example: playing a game that will ask much concentration. You can also look up how to get concentration on the Internet.

Well guys, this was my guide on how to be a good builder, if it helped you, please:


Also leave suggestions on what blog/project I should make next ;).


4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Kytoo 10/12/2013 3:50:34 amOct 12th, 2013

Updated the details

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01/31/2015 9:04 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Hey, a 8-9 year old can do anything. A 8-9 year old can be a geinus if he feels like it. Anyway you should have included practice but anyway this is nice
03/07/2014 6:53 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
wow, you missed so much about how to be a good builder... and willpower isnt something you force, if you dont want to build anymore, take a break, if you keep going it will only get done quickly and look undetailed. and age does matter a little bit, but not for the reason you just said... Its more about that a older person most of the times has seen more of the world, so ideas can come faster to them, but a 9y old can build just as well as a 30y old. most 9y old will build even better, cause they still have that childish fantasy. and inspiration can come to anyone, even someone that never played Minecraft. You do not need concentration, what you mean is dedication... wauw... and you did not even say the stuff like, use much different blocks, dont make flat walls, dont over used too many blocks again, keep it one style, try to make something out of real life to start off with, use building tools, like World Edit, but not to make walls and stuff, just for the copies and pastes, and even some voxel for the nature around. and many many more things that make a good builder.
03/07/2014 7:01 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Alright, you are right. But I posted this blog when I just started with PMC and just wanted to get some views I was level 1 when I made this blog right now I know better and won't make useless blogs like this one anymore. The only reason I did not delete it is because I would lose some xp....
03/07/2014 9:23 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
yea, i get it tho, btw i hope it dint offend you or felt mean... my english isnt great XD but i tried to help :P and IKR... why do you lose earned XP when u delete a post... so stupid if u ask me >.< i was level 20... then deleted something and reuploaded it cause the update thingy wasnt working back some time, and lost like 5 levels... so annoying...

but, its still better then PixelBlock his insightfull reply >.<
10/17/2013 10:31 pm
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Sorry, But I hate this tutorial...
10/18/2013 2:07 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
I acctually don't really care.
10/18/2013 12:11 pm
Level 28 : Expert Artist
k =)
10/18/2013 3:32 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
