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How to Build TNT Cannons!

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8391ice's Avatar 8391ice
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Taco

Wow. My last blog got a ton of hits. I never thought it would get that much publicity. :D

Well, today I'll show you how to build a cannon that can fire TNT at a long distance. If you have no idea how a TNT cannon works, you should read this below. If you do but are just having problems, skip to the section "How to Build One!"


Okay, so first I activate the button on this little cannon I've made here.


Note that the cannon's made out of obsidian. As you might have figured, I used obsidian because everybody knows that an explosion cannot destroy a single block of obsidian, although it is still easily possible to make a cannon without any obsidian. Note that the 3 blocks of TNT on each side turn on immediately, and the block in front of it (You probably can't see it) activates in a few milliseconds. (The repeaters are set to 3.)

This is to make sure the TNT on the sides turn activate first. And then you ask yourself, "But wouldn't it destroy the Redstone?" Nonsense! Because the TNT at the sides will propel the TNT; The TNT at the front will be in the air, so it will not destroy your cannon at all.

So an important thing to remember is that you have to place your cannon above water, so that the TNT on the sides just fall into it. This way, it won't destroy anything because explosions have no effect underwater. However, when it explodes, it will send the TNT at the front flying, like a cannon. This is why we have to make sure the TNT at the front takes longer to activate, otherwise it would explode before it even got launched, which would destroy the Redstone. However, it's not completely necessary to place it in water, but it is recommended as you won't lose many resources.

Here's my cannon in action.


As you can see, the side TNT blocks have fallen into the water, and the one in the front has been activated.


The side TNT blocks blow up, and as you can see it has done no damage to the cannon but it propels the TNT at the front, causing it to fly.


So there you go. That's how a TNT cannon works.

Now I'll show you how to build one.


I recommend building on water, because that's where you'll have your side TNT's falling into. Also, remember that the water has to be at least 2 blocks deep. Only 1 block has a chance of destroying your cannon.

Second, if this is your very first time, I'd suggest doing this in Creative mode.

Basically, this is all you're gonna need:


Yeah. Just obsidian, some buttons to activate it, Redstone supplies, stone slabs, and of course, TNT.

I'll be building a cannon step-by-step. Read carefully.

Okay, so I'll be building my cannon on a flatland world because it has a lot of space.
Most cannons should be placed on water, but this design doesn't need to be. (Like I said, it will still destroy things like the redstone.) This design was made by Wolfsoulll. His video helped me create my first TNT cannon, so many thanks to him!
Wolfsoulll's design starts off by making a 5x3 obsidian platform.

Now I'll place obsidian blocks around the top of it, leaving a space in the front, like this:

Next, I will place down a stone slab in the space that I left out.

Then place a block of TNT above the slab. This will be the TNT that gets launched.

Now go around the back and fill the inside of the obsidian with 3 blocks of TNT. These will propel the TNT into the air, making it a TNT cannon.

Now we're going to connect the TNT at the front to a button. Place a block of obsidian where the picture shows.

Connect a line of Redstone from the TNT to the indicated spot in the picture.

Go back to up and connect a Redstone line at the other 3 TNT blocks like this.

Place another block obsidian down at the back and place down more Redstone.

Finally, connect a button to each of the Redstone circuits.

And now you're pretty much done. The button at the left will turn on the TNT what will be launched, which we always want to do second. NEVER do it first. It will blow up before you get to launch it, causing a chain explosion with the other TNT blocks resulting in a... bigger explosion.
The button at the right will propel the TNT. Always remember to turn on the left button before the propelling TNT explodes. And do not turn on the left button immediately after the right. When the TNT is launched, it will likely explode in the air before hitting the ground, which won't cause any destruction.
So, the better you time it, the better the explosion will be. TNT cannons are all about timing.
I shall now use the TNT cannon. First, I press the right button, activating the propeller TNT blocks.

Then I will wait about 3 seconds and activate the left button.

And the propeller TNT activates, sending the front TNT in the air. I drew an arrow pointing to the TNT, as I noticed it was a bit hard to see.


And this is the result when the launched TNT lands and explodes. :D

But as we can see, our cannon has been damaged. Like I said, this design was not build on water, but it is still very cool and is a fun way to destroy things.

Well, that's the end of my guide. I started on this guide months ago, and I lost interest until now. If my tutorial helped you in the slightest, I would love you forever if you favorited and diamonded this blog post. :)
And I would like to candidly thank you for using my guide, as I spent a lot of time getting the pictures and timing the snapshots of the explosions that I took. I know this guide could've been better, but I've been working on an adventure map lately and I am putting all my work ethic into it.



Wow. My last blog got a ton of hits. I never thought it would get that much publicity. :D

Well, today I'll show you how to build a cannon that can fire TNT at a long distance. If you have no idea how a TNT cannon works, you should read this below. If you do but are just having problems, skip to the section "How to Build One!"


Okay, so first I activate the button on this little cannon I've made here.


Note that the cannon's made out of obsidian. As you might have figured, I used obsidian because everybody knows that an explosion cannot destroy a single block of obsidian, although it is still easily possible to make a cannon without any obsidian. Note that the 3 blocks of TNT on each side turn on immediately, and the block in front of it (You probably can't see it) activates in a few milliseconds. (The repeaters are set to 3.)

This is to make sure the TNT on the sides turn activate first. And then you ask yourself, "But wouldn't it destroy the Redstone?" Nonsense! Because the TNT at the sides will propel the TNT; The TNT at the front will be in the air, so it will not destroy your cannon at all.

So an important thing to remember is that you have to place your cannon above water, so that the TNT on the sides just fall into it. This way, it won't destroy anything because explosions have no effect underwater. However, when it explodes, it will send the TNT at the front flying, like a cannon. This is why we have to make sure the TNT at the front takes longer to activate, otherwise it would explode before it even got launched, which would destroy the Redstone. However, it's not completely necessary to place it in water, but it is recommended as you won't lose many resources.

Here's my cannon in action.


As you can see, the side TNT blocks have fallen into the water, and the one in the front has been activated.


The side TNT blocks blow up, and as you can see it has done no damage to the cannon but it propels the TNT at the front, causing it to fly.


So there you go. That's how a TNT cannon works.

Now I'll show you how to build one.


I recommend building on water, because that's where you'll have your side TNT's falling into. Also, remember that the water has to be at least 2 blocks deep. Only 1 block has a chance of destroying your cannon.

Second, if this is your very first time, I'd suggest doing this in Creative mode.

Basically, this is all you're gonna need:


Yeah. Just obsidian, some buttons to activate it, Redstone supplies, stone slabs, and of course, TNT.

I'll be building a cannon step-by-step. Read carefully.

Okay, so I'll be building my cannon on a flatland world because it has a lot of space.
Most cannons should be placed on water, but this design doesn't need to be. (Like I said, it will still destroy things like the redstone.) This design was made by Wolfsoulll. His video helped me create my first TNT cannon, so many thanks to him!
Wolfsoulll's design starts off by making a 5x3 obsidian platform.

Now I'll place obsidian blocks around the top of it, leaving a space in the front, like this:

Next, I will place down a stone slab in the space that I left out.

Then place a block of TNT above the slab. This will be the TNT that gets launched.

Now go around the back and fill the inside of the obsidian with 3 blocks of TNT. These will propel the TNT into the air, making it a TNT cannon.

Now we're going to connect the TNT at the front to a button. Place a block of obsidian where the picture shows.

Connect a line of Redstone from the TNT to the indicated spot in the picture.

Go back to up and connect a Redstone line at the other 3 TNT blocks like this.

Place another block obsidian down at the back and place down more Redstone.

Finally, connect a button to each of the Redstone circuits.

And now you're pretty much done. The button at the left will turn on the TNT what will be launched, which we always want to do second. NEVER do it first. It will blow up before you get to launch it, causing a chain explosion with the other TNT blocks resulting in a... bigger explosion.
The button at the right will propel the TNT. Always remember to turn on the left button before the propelling TNT explodes. And do not turn on the left button immediately after the right. When the TNT is launched, it will likely explode in the air before hitting the ground, which won't cause any destruction.
So, the better you time it, the better the explosion will be. TNT cannons are all about timing.
I shall now use the TNT cannon. First, I press the right button, activating the propeller TNT blocks.

Then I will wait about 3 seconds and activate the left button.

And the propeller TNT activates, sending the front TNT in the air. I drew an arrow pointing to the TNT, as I noticed it was a bit hard to see.


And this is the result when the launched TNT lands and explodes. :D

But as we can see, our cannon has been damaged. Like I said, this design was not build on water, but it is still very cool and is a fun way to destroy things.

Well, that's the end of my guide. I started on this guide months ago, and I lost interest until now. If my tutorial helped you in the slightest, I would love you forever if you favorited and diamonded this blog post. :)
And I would like to candidly thank you for using my guide, as I spent a lot of time getting the pictures and timing the snapshots of the explosions that I took. I know this guide could've been better, but I've been working on an adventure map lately and I am putting all my work ethic into it.



Wow. My last blog got a ton of hits. I never thought it would get that much publicity. :D

Well, today I'll show you how to build a cannon that can fire TNT at a long distance. If you have no idea how a TNT cannon works, you should read this below. If you do but are just having problems, skip to the section "How to Build One!"


Okay, so first I activate the button on this little cannon I've made here.


Note that the cannon's made out of obsidian. As you might have figured, I used obsidian because everybody knows that an explosion cannot destroy a single block of obsidian, although it is still easily possible to make a cannon without any obsidian. Note that the 3 blocks of TNT on each side turn on immediately, and the block in front of it (You probably can't see it) activates in a few milliseconds. (The repeaters are set to 3.)

This is to make sure the TNT on the sides turn activate first. And then you ask yourself, "But wouldn't it destroy the Redstone?" Nonsense! Because the TNT at the sides will propel the TNT; The TNT at the front will be in the air, so it will not destroy your cannon at all.

So an important thing to remember is that you have to place your cannon above water, so that the TNT on the sides just fall into it. This way, it won't destroy anything because explosions have no effect underwater. However, when it explodes, it will send the TNT at the front flying, like a cannon. This is why we have to make sure the TNT at the front takes longer to activate, otherwise it would explode before it even got launched, which would destroy the Redstone. However, it's not completely necessary to place it in water, but it is recommended as you won't lose many resources.

Here's my cannon in action.


As you can see, the side TNT blocks have fallen into the water, and the one in the front has been activated.


The side TNT blocks blow up, and as you can see it has done no damage to the cannon but it propels the TNT at the front, causing it to fly.


So there you go. That's how a TNT cannon works.

Now I'll show you how to build one.


I recommend building on water, because that's where you'll have your side TNT's falling into. Also, remember that the water has to be at least 2 blocks deep. Only 1 block has a chance of destroying your cannon.

Second, if this is your very first time, I'd suggest doing this in Creative mode.

Basically, this is all you're gonna need:


Yeah. Just obsidian, some buttons to activate it, Redstone supplies, stone slabs, and of course, TNT.

I'll be building a cannon step-by-step. Read carefully.

Okay, so I'll be building my cannon on a flatland world because it has a lot of space.
Most cannons should be placed on water, but this design doesn't need to be. (Like I said, it will still destroy things like the redstone.) This design was made by Wolfsoulll. His video helped me create my first TNT cannon, so many thanks to him!
Wolfsoulll's design starts off by making a 5x3 obsidian platform.

Now I'll place obsidian blocks around the top of it, leaving a space in the front, like this:

Next, I will place down a stone slab in the space that I left out.

Then place a block of TNT above the slab. This will be the TNT that gets launched.

Now go around the back and fill the inside of the obsidian with 3 blocks of TNT. These will propel the TNT into the air, making it a TNT cannon.

Now we're going to connect the TNT at the front to a button. Place a block of obsidian where the picture shows.

Connect a line of Redstone from the TNT to the indicated spot in the picture.

Go back to up and connect a Redstone line at the other 3 TNT blocks like this.

Place another block obsidian down at the back and place down more Redstone.

Finally, connect a button to each of the Redstone circuits.

And now you're pretty much done. The button at the left will turn on the TNT what will be launched, which we always want to do second. NEVER do it first. It will blow up before you get to launch it, causing a chain explosion with the other TNT blocks resulting in a... bigger explosion.
The button at the right will propel the TNT. Always remember to turn on the left button before the propelling TNT explodes. And do not turn on the left button immediately after the right. When the TNT is launched, it will likely explode in the air before hitting the ground, which won't cause any destruction.
So, the better you time it, the better the explosion will be. TNT cannons are all about timing.
I shall now use the TNT cannon. First, I press the right button, activating the propeller TNT blocks.

Then I will wait about 3 seconds and activate the left button.

And the propeller TNT activates, sending the front TNT in the air. I drew an arrow pointing to the TNT, as I noticed it was a bit hard to see.


And this is the result when the launched TNT lands and explodes. :D

But as we can see, our cannon has been damaged. Like I said, this design was not build on water, but it is still very cool and is a fun way to destroy things.

Well, that's the end of my guide. I started on this guide months ago, and I lost interest until now. If my tutorial helped you in the slightest, I would love you forever if you favorited and diamonded this blog post. :)
And I would like to candidly thank you for using my guide, as I spent a lot of time getting the pictures and timing the snapshots of the explosions that I took. I know this guide could've been better, but I've been working on an adventure map lately and I am putting all my work ethic into it.



Wow. My last blog got a ton of hits. I never thought it would get that much publicity. :D

Well, today I'll show you how to build a cannon that can fire TNT at a long distance. If you have no idea how a TNT cannon works, you should read this below. If you do but are just having problems, skip to the section "How to Build One!"


Okay, so first I activate the button on this little cannon I've made here.


Note that the cannon's made out of obsidian. As you might have figured, I used obsidian because everybody knows that an explosion cannot destroy a single block of obsidian, although it is still easily possible to make a cannon without any obsidian. Note that the 3 blocks of TNT on each side turn on immediately, and the block in front of it (You probably can't see it) activates in a few milliseconds. (The repeaters are set to 3.)

This is to make sure the TNT on the sides turn activate first. And then you ask yourself, "But wouldn't it destroy the Redstone?" Nonsense! Because the TNT at the sides will propel the TNT; The TNT at the front will be in the air, so it will not destroy your cannon at all.

So an important thing to remember is that you have to place your cannon above water, so that the TNT on the sides just fall into it. This way, it won't destroy anything because explosions have no effect underwater. However, when it explodes, it will send the TNT at the

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09/02/2014 5:59 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
Herobrinebuster's Avatar
Or place dispensers to make a fully auto tnt cannon, connect it to a rapid clock and watch the mayhem
04/26/2014 4:21 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Yoyomaster's Avatar
dude -.- why the helll did you just duplicated 4x the post in one blog -.-
