Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Create a Simple Creeper Fountain!

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Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
Hellow Fellow MineCrafters!

This tutorial will show you how to make a simple Creeper fountain/water feature. It's changeable and can be switched out for various materials and different sizes.


This is how our basic creeper fountain will look!

First off, Materials!
• Green wool
• Black wool
• Water bucket

While I used these materials, you be creative and change things about. Try cobblestone and lava or a different colour scheme.. Whaterver takes your fancy!

Step 1.
Here we begin to make our frame. This one is a simple 8 x 8 cube.

Step 2.

  Now we fill in our creeper face! His lovely eyes are two squares wide. His mouth should be built as shown in the image :)

Step 3.


Now we fill in the other sides!
The top is green and the sides is up to you, I made mine a creeper face on each or you could leave it green.

Step 4.


The next step is to create a boundry for our water feature. Mine is five squares away from the creeper face but you could make it bigger or smaller or even a different shape! Get creative! ;)

Step 5.


Okay, so, so far so good. This next step might be a bit more 'complicated'... jks.. All you do is create a little two sqaure hole in his mouth to add our water.

Step 6.


Add your water and wtach the amazeballs feature come alive!

Now that we've made our simple little creepers you can experiment and conjure up your own little box of epicness! Just to demonstrate the capabilities... Here's mine:

Baby creeper!
Steve Fountain!
Mountain Creeper
Cobblestone and lava feature Creeper!

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07/19/2015 2:51 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
How Do You Get Colored Cobblestone?
07/19/2015 10:01 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
That one's a bit cheeky, I was using attack of the B-team which comes with paint. Because I was bored and because I can, I painted it!

Of course, if you don't use attack of the b-team.. You can just leave it as cobblestone :)

Looks good anyway.
