Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

how to get color codes from MC single player worlds

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Nuke73at9serverman's Avatar Nuke73at9serverman
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
Hey guys Nuke here and today I will teach how to put color codes on minecraft any versions so what you need is this color codes starter § and you need the address for your mc like C:user something like that but go to your .minecraft folder then go to saves and rename it then put§beforeyou type in the letter only like i'll use this for an example: §1awesome world. useany kind ofnumbersand type what ever color I put and type of something but just to let you know you have to rename and put it if you want to this is all types of color which others are allow


im not going through all so 1 is blue 2 isgreen 3 is idk you type and try to find out 4 is red 5 is pink 6 is orange 7 is gray 8 is dark grey 9 is light grey 0 is black and here are something k is magic and lis under lined but try with any colors or codes you want it works with all folders

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08/15/2014 4:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GodsGirl757's Avatar
How do you make that symbol :3
