Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to get the best minecraft settings.

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a1eyedhamster's Avatar a1eyedhamster
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
Right, so you got minecraft and want to know how to maximise your settings but get the best lag control, well there is a simple way, this will include smooth lighting, bobbing and others.

1. Go to Minecraft, Options, Video Settings, Now Change The Perform ace To Max FPS this will make sure you get the maximum frames per second for your graphics card and it reduces frame rate lag.

2. Make you you turn off : Fancy Graphics, Advanced OPEN GL and make sure to turn on Smooth Lighting.

3. Change Your Render Distance to what suits you.

This should reduce lag and lag and still make the game look nice, there's nothing worse than having monsters attacking you when you are lagging!!

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08/20/2011 8:39 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
minecraftplayar's Avatar
Advanced opengl should be ON.
08/20/2011 9:00 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
a1eyedhamster's Avatar
Should It?, what does it do :D
08/20/2011 2:22 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
minecraftplayar's Avatar
I dont now what it does, but it increases FPS. Only works if your grapich card support it though.
