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How to get fast Xp on planetminecraft

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pbrassat17's Avatar pbrassat17
Level 36 : Artisan Artist

Hello everybody, there are many forum post and blogs going around asking how can i get fast xp, how can you get higher ranks on pmc. Well this blog will explain all the step that you will need to go through. I will update this every few month to make sure that all people understand what have changed.

Step 1
However you need to remember to follow all rules when posting projects.

Step 2
So now you should have found something you are good at, now you need to work on that and make great quality, and i mean great. People are not looking for items that took you maybe 5 minutes to make, they want something that you spent a lot of time on, and that actually looks nice, and presentable. For example don't build a regular 5x5 house and think I need xp on planetminecraft lets see if this helps me, because honestly people will hate.

Step 3
You never want to post, i made this for xp, or please give me a diamond/favorite, because this makes people think you are making things for you, and not for them. What you post here on planet minecraft is actually meant for the community, and not for you.

Step 4
Make more of what you have made before, or even try something else, who knows you may surprise yourself. These are the steps that you normally have to follow to get lots of xp on planet minecraft.

How to make a decent blog on pmc:

This goes hand in hand with how to get Xp on planet minecraft because if you post a blog and it has many errors, people will complain and not enjoy it. So remember these basic tips and you will make better blogs every time.

1. Use correct Grammer
2. Dont make a blog with the minimum amount of characters
3. Dont leave a blank picture, Always find a picture to add, even if it doesnt match the theme of the blog.
4. Put you blog in the right category
5. Make your blog unique, dont copy another persons blog.
6. Stay appropriate, dont do something you wouldnt do in real life.
7. Make sure you follow all rules.

I hope that you enjoyed my blog and if i am missing anything please post a comment about it.

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by pbrassat17 12/12/2013 5:44:09 pmDec 12th, 2013

Minor updates.

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04/09/2019 7:12 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Wingdings_master's Avatar
Just made this the 64 comment...
04/10/2019 8:34 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
DuckMasterAl's Avatar
Made mine the 65th
05/22/2017 5:25 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
subpartikel's Avatar
Thanks! It's really helpful! ^_^
11/22/2015 3:29 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
PuuCraft's Avatar
"Use correct Grammer"
04/08/2015 8:29 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DerpySwagger's Avatar
"You never want to post please give me a diamond/favorite

Note the "give us a diamond to help us out!" lol

Just kidding around of course. Great post. Have a diamond.
03/12/2015 9:20 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Artist
InfinityBuildsMC's Avatar
im the 111th diamond :D
07/01/2015 10:13 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dolphin
HandsomeBelugaWhale's Avatar
Me is 120 diamond
03/12/2015 9:19 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Artist
InfinityBuildsMC's Avatar
instructions not clear, got pickaxe stuck in ciling.
02/02/2015 12:06 pm
Level 24 : Expert Unicorn
Blue_Angel_Bunny's Avatar
01/27/2015 1:19 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Demolitionist
Jaytience's Avatar
Use correct grammar. Got that down, but spellings? Grammer? Seriously?
