Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to help pmc + get noticed by mods and others.

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majed9's Avatar majed9
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
THANKS to all who supported me and made it to the Popular Blog section!! thanks all!!
thanksnpngHello guys this is another blog of mine i made...

so i decided to inform you guys how to help and get notice Generally everyone.

Now most of you or some may know this but this blog is for who don't so please do not comment "i knew this long ago" or anything like that.

  • Planetminecraft chat can get you bit noticed.
  • Making submissions with catchy title can too just like how i did :)
  • Reporting submissions that broke the rule can get mods attention on you.
  • Shaded skins can also get you lots of views
  • Stealing skins does NOT help planetminecraft community so why do such thing.(even though you added credits it's still breaking the rule)
  • asking for diamonds will get your submission removed + less attention from mods (negativly)
  • Helping others on chat/anywhere can really get you lots of subscribers
  • Swearing at others will not help so keep the language clean like how i do =)
  • steve skins make mods really pissed.. so don't post any (there are lots of steve skins that have been removed.. trust me mods hate it)
  • Commenting nicely can encourage others to post more so Planetminecraft will be alive for ever!
  • spamming on chat and submissions doesn't help.
  • posting on pmc forums can also get you noticed.
  • Sucking up to mod can get you noticed (thanks to Exurbia, Not sure if sarcasm xD but it will get you negativly noticed.)

There are lots of others but can't remember.. if you got any more ways please comment below,and i will add you in the Additional credits.

so help pmc to be active with good community =)
Also i am currently working on project with Slimesparkle it will be posted in few days

Diamond = you like this
Favourite = you love this
Subscribe = want more.
scaledphpserverampfilenameredeyesg ~majed9

Sorry for my typo.
CreditExurbia,Maxthebest123 for correcting me =),Turtleshell_luck,ndnprct3,5urface

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by majed9 08/18/2012 6:07:51 pmAug 18th, 2012

-fixed spellings
-added credits
-added thank you picture.

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10/25/2013 6:24 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
CartoonStickMan's Avatar
Majed9 got banned, he can't answer :(
06/30/2013 1:20 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Creative_Bros's Avatar
Negatively, not negativly. :)
08/19/2012 3:54 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Tsagu's Avatar
On the comments on planet minecraft bit, it should be "Forever" not "For ever". Just a bit of thing I found I thought I would tell you about before all the grammar nazis swooped in ^^
08/18/2012 8:04 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pokémon
Luis's Avatar
Who about not abusing the update log?

Nice blog BTW
08/18/2012 7:55 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
There have been so many "Help PMC" Blogs lately.......
Did i start a trend or something?
08/18/2012 7:48 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
ilikecutepeople's Avatar
Diamonded ... Hope it works for me :(
08/18/2012 2:17 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Pegasus
5urface's Avatar
Hey buddy you really need to watch out not to make so many typos ^^
(like the one on the pic with the "popluar" reel)
08/18/2012 4:10 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
majed9's Avatar
yes i forgot that it was Popular.. srry i was sleepy when i wrote that
08/18/2012 5:06 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
epiccoolguy12345's Avatar
Sucking up to mod can get you noticed (thanks to Exurbia, Not sure if saracsim

08/18/2012 6:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
majed9's Avatar
yea this blog was made at night. xD srry for my typo and thanks for correcting me guys!
