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How to increase FPS and reduce lag.

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Supernova666's Avatar Supernova666
Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pyro
In this tutorial I will show you how to get the best Frames Per Second (FPS) and reduce lag. This will make your minecraft experience a lot more enjoyable. There are a number of ways to increase your FPS and reduce lag, some are a lot easier and cheaper than others. In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to install 2 mods for Windows and Mac, the way I show you, is the way to install most mods for a client, not a server.

1. Close all programs you do not need or aren't using.

2. If you can type /killall this will kill all mobs (mobs can cause a lot of lag) on a server or get an admin to do it for you, just remember it will kill all mobs on the server, so be careful. If this command is not available try /remove items, this will only remove items not mobs. If your playing in Single Player you can download and install Single Player Commands. (That is the current version as of 19/07/2014) Press T in game and type /killall. To download Single Player Commands, follow these steps:

For Windows:
  • To download Single Player Commands, you first need to press download after clicking on the link.
  • In your start bar type %appdata%
  • Open your .minecraft and open bin.
  • With WinRar open up your minecraft.jar
  • Delete your META-INF it will only delete if your minecraft is closed.
  • Once the download has completed. Open the download, you will see a lot of files. Highlight them all, drag and drop them into your minecraft.jar. Click add and replace files.
  • You have successfully installed Single Player Commands.

For Mac:
  • Type in the following command line by line
    • cd ~
    • mkdir mctmp
    • cd mctmp
    • jar xf ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar

  • Dono t close the terminal yet, you should find a mctmp folder located inside your users folder
  • Go inside, copy all the files from Single Player Commands into mctmp folder
  • Back to, again type in the following commands
    • rm META-INF/MOJANG_C.*
    • jar uf ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./
    • cd ..
    • rm -rf mctmp

  • You have successfully installed Single Player Commands.
3. Download Game Booster. You will want to download the Game Booster 3.5.0 (Yes it is in beta, but it still works fine) Game Booster Will run you though how to download and install it. What you can do is add minecraft (And any game) to your game box. What this does is allows you to launch a game and 'boost' your computer along with it. To do this all you have to do is:
  • Install Game Booster
  • Launch Game Booster
  • You should see a tab that says 'Switch to Game Box', if not close Game Booster and then restart it.
  • When you are in your game box, you will see and 'Add' button with a small + next to it. Click that and search for minecraft (Or any other game you want in there). When you find it double click it.
  • It will appear in your Game Box then click on it so it is highlighted and then press 'Boost & Launch'.
  • Minecraft will launch through Game Booster, your screen may change, that is fine and normal, it means Game Booster is working.
4. Download Optifine. (That is the current version as of 19/07/2014)

For Windows:
  • To download Optifine, you first need to press download after clicking on the link.
  • In your start bar type %appdata%
  • Open your .minecraft and open bin.
  • With WinRar open up your minecraft.jar
  • Delete your META-INF it will only delete if your minecraft is closed.
  • Once the download has completed. Open the download, you will see a lot of files. Highlight them all, drag and drop them into your minecraft.jar. Click add and replace files.
  • You have successfully installed Optifine.

For Mac:

  • Type in the following command line by line
    • cd ~
    • mkdir mctmp
    • cd mctmp
    • jar xf ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar

  • Dono t close the terminal yet, you should find a mctmp folder located inside your users folder
  • Go inside, copy all the files from Optifine into mctmp folder
  • Back to, again type in the following commands
    • rm META-INF/MOJANG_C.*
    • jar uf ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./
    • cd ..
    • rm -rf mctmp

  • You have successfully installed Optifine

Open minecraft and go to the options page, you will see it has grown massively. The screen shots below will show you the best settings to have to get the best FPS you can.

Once you click options this will come up straight away. Change your settings to the ones shown.


Change your settings to look like these. Then click on the details tab and change the settings as shown in the next picture.


Change your settings to look like these. Then click on the quality tab and change the settings as shown in the next picture.


Change your settings to look like these. Then click on the animations tab and change the settings as shown in the next picture.

Change your settings to look like these. Then click on the performance tab and change the settings as shown in the next picture.


Change your settings to look like these. Then click on the other tab and change the settings as shown in the next picture.


With these settings Optifine has done all it can do.

5. If you do not want to download Optifine, then you can just turn down your render distance and turn off animations.

6. If you are on a laptop and playing online/over the internet, use a wired connection, that always helps me.

7. The texture pack you use can have a great impact of your FPS. Lower resolution texture packs with increase your FPS (E.G 16x16 will give you higher FPS than a 64x64 texture pack). There is a myth that I will dispel. A 'blocky' texture pack or a 16x16 texture pack shaded in a 2x2 style does not increase FPS, your computer will still have to load the pixels even though they are the same colour.

8. If you are playing on a server / over the internet and there is another user using the same bandwidth as you, you might find you get more lag. As hard as it is, try and make sure you are the only person on the bandwidth. If your router is on a open network, put a password on it, this will make sure you are the only person on that bandwidth as well as making your internet accounts are safer.

9. Update java and lwgjl.

10. Buy a new, faster computer or buy a new graphics card. (Not realistic but still a valid point.)

I hope this helps anyone who like me hasn't got the best, most powerful computer or laptop. If this has helped you please diamond the blog. If any links do not work, comment which one it is and I will fix the links.

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Supernova666 07/19/2014 8:51:05 amJul 19th, 2014

Updated the blog for 1.7.2.
Other changes to layout and words.

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11/25/2014 4:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheStranger3045's Avatar
You are my last hope. I have tried a lot of stuff, but i can't find anything, that is similar to my situation... I have a powerful computer. Everything is running great on single player on max stats, even tekkit is using max 10% of my video card and maybe 20% of cpu. But i don't care about single player, me and my friend were playing tekkit on my server, everything was great, until the low fps came. The situation is - we were building a lot of stuff, like ALOT, most of things were based on electronics, but thats not the point, i had made up red matter farm, but i wanted to go bigger, when i builded a farm from 2 stacks of macerators and everything was great until i connected timer, to make my filters work, and then it started - from vsync - 60fps to 1fps to me and my friend, if i switch it of, it works great again on aprox 60fps, but when i start everything it goes to 1fps and mc kicks out me of server. it is so annoying, when i have like 5 fps my computer is using aprox 5gb of 8 gb ram, cpu is going on 4,4 ghz at 20% and gpu 30% on aprox 200mhz (1176mhz total), HOW CAN YOU EXPLAIN THAT? We stoped playing tekkit because it got so annoying, what shuld i do? Mark that - Java is up to date, java has now high priority, i have tried to allow tekkit to use different ram memory, starting from 1 to 8, doesn't change anything, lowered my video settings to minimum, doesn't change anything, and by the way network is using almost nothing, maybe 50kbit, i have searched on internet what to do, but can't find anything.
12/05/2014 4:58 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
I haven't actually played the game in probably just under 2 years, and I have no idea about half the in game things you're talking about, but it sounds like you're overloading your graphics card. If it is struggling it is not all that unlikely it will not give out accurate readings when you're measuring speeds. Redstone is very resource intensive, it can slow down the best servers with the nest hardware. 

I would suggest you try isolating parts of the redstone circuit and seeing if there are any specific parts of it that cause the game to lag and crash. If there are, work on those to make them more efficient.
08/19/2014 4:19 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Mage
FartingLaser's Avatar
LOLOLOLOLOL Most of the time on singleplayer I get 60-200 FPS. XD My computer isn't even that good though. But on multiplayer 0-70... Arnold, how much TNT have you been using? XD
08/19/2014 5:45 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
08/01/2014 11:27 am
Level 48 : Master Dragon
Iizvullok's Avatar
11: setting the priority from java to high.
12: new computer (sometimes the only way that works...)
08/01/2014 11:31 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
12 is number 10, and 11 is good, but I found (when I did it on my laptop 3 years ago) it didn't help all that much. Might have just been me though.
08/01/2014 12:43 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragon
Iizvullok's Avatar
Oh. I didn't read 10 xD. On my Old Computer, Nothing worked. 99% CPU... 5 fps.
Icey tree
07/27/2014 6:06 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
Icey tree's Avatar
fps also depends on what pc you have if I have 10 fps on mine its as smooth as oil
07/27/2014 6:10 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
FPS mostly depends on the PC hardware.
07/19/2014 10:34 am
Level 49 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
The common solutions and how my computer dealt with them are funny for me:
-Gamebooster would slow my entire PC down and barely change Minecraft
-Somehow Optifine made MC even slower c.c
-BUT updating Java and lwgil DID help a lot so... diamond, wait did I diamond this already? I don't know .__.
