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How to increase your FPS tips and tricks!

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Tabbin's Avatar Tabbin
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Batman
Hello, this is my first blog so sorry if if i sound a bit noob'ish.
Today im going to show you how to speed up your
Minecraft FPS to enjoy your time playing.This is for people who are getting 10 fps-15fps without any mods or texture packs.

I am not responsable for any damage taken to your computer or minecraft.
Laptop charger.

If you are getting quite a low fps rate and your on the laptop and you dont have your charger in then that could lower your
fps by a lot. If you plug in your charger and keep it on all the time it might over heat. Therefore you should firstly
charge it to full and play for around 1 hour on full then un-plug it.

Minecraft options.

If you have a not soo good computer then you might want to lower the setting of your minecraft game. I recommend:
Graphics: Fast
Render Distance: Tiny or short
Performance: MaxFPS
Fog: Off
Smooth Lightng:Off
Advanced OpenGL:Fast
If you are on theses settings and its still laggy read the next section.


Optifine is the most usefull mod in minecraft in my opinion, to be honest my computer runs at 10-20 fps with lowerd settings without any mods or resource packs. However
with optifine i can easly get around 90-100 fps on lower'd settings, I can also play on normal render distance.
You can download optifine here : optifine.net/home.php and a very good tutorial on how to install it is : www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pu-eM0pGqk
When youv'e downloaded optifine you can go into the settings and you'll see a bunch of new options one of them are animations if you click on them you will see a
bunch of things you want to have it to :

Water Animated:Off
Fire animated:Off
Redstone Animated:Off
Flame Animated:Off
Void Particles:Off
Rain Splash:Off
Potion Particles:Off
Terrain Animated:Off
Textures Animated:Off
Lava Animated:Off
Explosions Animated:Off
Smoke Animated:Off
Water Animated:Off
Portal:On (Portal looks really silly without it on)
When you've done that you will see a settings that says *Quality..* your gonna wanna set all the settings to off also.
In optifine if you hover over a setting it will tell you witch is the fastest and the slowest option inside of it you can look around in your settings and set them to
the lowest.

Using the latest verison of java.
Minecraft uses java and each java updated i think increases the fps of there games, apps and whatever uses java you can check if you have the latest verison of java
here: www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp and if you dont just go to java.com and download the latest on.

Turn off other programs.
If you are playing GTA 4 or mw3 (way better than bo2) then turn them off to increase the fps. And or other programs wich use java.

Want a texture pack but it lags to mutch?
If you have a texture pack lets say BD craft sphax then you would just go to there website download any of them and just play. Well if you download a resolution of
512x512 and you dont have alot of RAM space on your computer then minecraft will just keep on crashing until you take it off. Download the 15x15 resoulution wich is
the default resoulution. If you want to increase your fps and you dont care how good your texture pack looks then just download a 8x8 or maybe a 2x2.

Change minecraft screen size.
This helps alot of if you playing in a small screen not a full one. I recomend doing this when you have around 10 fps.

Use razer game booster.

Razer game booster can make anything that uses java boost the fps by alot.you can download it here : www.razerzone.com/gb-en/gamebooster

Update graphics card.

This could help you or it coudnt it helped me alot. Just search in google or youtube how to update your graphics card.

Set windows to better performance

Control PanelSystem and SecuritySystem On he left side, there will be "Advanced System Settings" Click it. Go to advanced tab, and to performance,
then press settings. Then press the Option "Adjust for best performance" Click apply then ok

Not working :(

If none of these options are working then it might be time to buy a better computer or graphics card.


Minecraft Black screen.

If you have installed Optifine and got a black screen from this then you might of not delted META-INF in your bin.

Where do i find my Minecraft folder?

You can find it by typing * %Appdata% * in to your start button and then by clicking on .minecraft, if this didnt work then click on your start button and type *run*
then type * %appdata% * into it.

Thanks for reading and hoped it helped you :) -Sorry for grammer im only 13 :P
Pleas diamond it if it helped you or you liked it and maybe even sub :)? Thanks!

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07/06/2014 8:59 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Warrior
ValleyDew's Avatar
I dont have a graphics card at all!xD
01/12/2015 7:41 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
SE67942's Avatar
so you would have an on-board graphics controller
08/12/2013 3:23 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
superglueraider's Avatar
Thanks this helped me so much!
08/12/2013 8:03 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Batman
Tabbin's Avatar
No probs :)
