Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to install Mods for Minecraft 1.6.2 (and above)

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LegacyQuestPvP's Avatar LegacyQuestPvP
Level 21 : Expert Warrior
How to install mods for Minecraft 1.6.2 (and above)

Hello guys. I have heard a lot of people complaining about the new minecraft launcher, and that they can't install plugins, so today I will help you guys out with this problem.

1. ) Go to your start menu and type %appdata%

2. ) Then click on the .minecraft folder

3. ) Make a new folder and name it whatever you want (just remember the name)

4. ) Then go back to versions and click on the 1.6.2 folder

5. ) Copy both of the files 1.6.2.jar and 1.6.2.json and place them in the new folder you made

6. ) Rename both the files to the name of the folder you put them in

7. ) Open the .json folder with notepad

8. ) At the top, there will be a little thing that says "id 1.6.2" Replace the 1.6.2 with whatever you named the folder, and then click file > save

9. ) Open the .jar file with WinRAR or any unRARer

10. ) Delete meta-Inf

11. ) Open the Mod you want and drag all the files in there.

12. ) Then exit out of everything and open Minecraft

13. ) Create a new profile and name it whatever you want

14. ) Then click on edit file and click on the release thing and click on release "Then Whatever you named your file"

15. ) Click save and then your ready. the mod is installed :)

I hope this helped guys :) If it didn't work, comment and let me know so I can help me. If it did work, a diamond would be appreciated. Thanks :)

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08/11/2013 3:11 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Badger4life's Avatar
Thanks LegacyQuestPvP, Helped me heaps :)
08/03/2013 1:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
OliverV's Avatar
This didnt work for me, i did everything this said and no mods worked
08/01/2013 6:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Yankfan04's Avatar
He Means choose what version you named your file after :|
08/01/2013 6:58 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
TheHolyPorkey's Avatar
what do u mean by " release thing "??
