Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make a batch file.

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ZJfresh's Avatar ZJfresh
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
I show you how to make a batch file in a video.

If you would like to make your own, make sure you save it with the extension .bat

If you would like to see the file in the video for yourself, copy and paste this text into Notepad and save w/ .bat

@echo off
color a
echo -------------------------------------
echo How to write a batch file in Notepad.
echo -------------------------------------
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Step 1 - Write the phrase "@echo off" first at the top. (No quotes.)
echo You can also make the program different colors by putting "color"
echo (no quotes) under @echo off with differernt numbers and letters.
echo You can look up the combinations to these colors somewhere on the
echo internet.
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Step 2 - Set any values that you wish to repeat in the file by saying "set /a
echo (variable)=(value)".You can use these to perform complex algorithims or say
echo simple sentences. You can then refer to these variables later in the file by
echo putting the variable inside percent signs. Also, you can make the program say
echo anything you want by putting "echo" (no quotes) as the first thing in a line,
echo and then typing in anything after it. This is how I made this program. By
echo putting in the command "pause" (no quotes), the program will ask you to
echo interact before continuing. I have the steps lined up with pauses in between.
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Step 3 - Additional Details - When you are experienced, you can use commands
echo such as if, goto, REM, choice, then, etc. Batch coding is easy when you
echo figure out these commands and discover how to tell the command prompt what
echo to do. I tried to explain these simple starting tips the best I can, but
echo if you don't understand, I'm sorry. You might still need to watch a video or
echo two, so go ahead. Hopefully you can come up with very cool customized
echo programs. Happy coding!
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Want to go through the steps again? If you don't, close the program.
echo If you do, please
goto top

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