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How to Make A Flans Mod Addon Pack

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Level 26 : Expert Taco
OK Hello All PMC Members and Guests! This is how (Step by Step) to make A "Flans Gun Mod" Addon Pack.

Step 1: Create The Folder With The Name Of Your Addon As The Title. (EX: Black ops 2)
Step 2: The Main Thing in Gun Mods, iso ¦ Wello ¦ The Guns! So I Will Post Pictures of What You Need To Type. I Will Also Include A Download Link if you Don't Want To Type As Much.
Step 3: Fill in the blanks. For The Name, Type The Name of The Gun. For Example: Skorpion
The Shortname is The Name that it will be called in game. Next, you Have To Use The Ammo. You Can Create Ammo Later (I Will Show How Also.) But For Now, Write The Name of The Ammo With No Spaces. Example: SkorpionMag. For The Colour, You Will Need Colour Number Expirience. It Will Show What Color The Bullets Are. Example: 255 255 255 Will Be a Gray Kind of Color That Everyday Bullets Are. ItemID is Just An ID For Your Weapon/Item. Now We Are Getting To The Main Gun Parts Such As Damage. The First One You Will See is The ReloadTime. This Represents How Long It Takes To Reload. If You Want it To Take 1 Second to Reload, You Will Insert "20" Into The Reload Time. Recoil is How Much The Gun Will Move Up When You Shoot. If You Want A Gun To Stay Close To Really Still, You Would Probably Insert "1" Into The Recoil Spot. If You Want A Gun That Moves A Lot While You Are Shooting, You Would Put A Higher Number Than "1". The Next Step is Damage. It's Pretty Straight Forward. If You Want A Gun That is A 1 Hit KO On A Person With No Amour You put 20 as the damage, if you want it to be lower, you would put anything lower than 20, and so fourth. Accuracy is How Much Your Bullets Will Move. If You put a 1.0, It Would Barely Move At All And You Would Hit Your Target Almost Every Time. If You Put 15.0, It Would Be Really Hard To Hit Your Target. The Shoot Delay is The Amount of time in-between each shot. If You Had A AK47 or A Skorpion, The Number Would Be Low. If It Was a Sniper That Took A Little Bit Inbetween each shot, the number would be larger. Shootsound and reload sound you will need to create with a program, or record a noise from Call of duty. (That Was a Example) There are 2 Modes That I Know of ATM. Those Are FullAuto and SemiAuto. SemiAuto is when you have to manually pull the trigger for it to fire. FullAuto is like a machine gun and you have to pull it once and it will keep firing. The Scope you will have to make in Paint, Photoshope, etc. thats if you want it, though. Once you finish the scope you need to put the name of the scope next to the "Scope". Deployable means you can place it down like a Turret. if you want it to be able to be put down, write "True" Next to deployable. DeployedModel You Will Have To Make Aswell. It's The Same Step as Making The Scope.
Step 4: Subscribe, Diamond, Favorite! I Will Also Make Tutorials on How To Make Ammo, teams, Weapon Boxes, etc. If you enjoy this, you can also Make your own gun! :) Happy Crafting Peepz! :)
CreditFlans, Mod, Tutorial

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10/30/2015 6:59 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Im confused, i may be a new miner but i think this sux, sorry man :\
07/25/2013 5:42 am
Level 88 : Elite Modder
This would be useful, but could really use a better layout. I'm not even going to try and read it as a block of text, it will hurt my eyes :P

Try adding a few empty lines between each step, and making titles like "Step 4" bold and underlined, for example Step 4. It just breaks things up and makes it look much nicer :)
07/25/2013 5:53 pm
Level 26 : Expert Taco
Yeah I Am Sorry About That I Will Fix That ASAP. I Just Got Carried Away With The No Step Thing.
