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How to Make a Hamachi Minecraft Server

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BabolatBoss's Avatar BabolatBoss
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider
Hey guys, today I'll be showing you how to make a Minecraft Hamachi Server. In this tutorial, you will be able to connect with your friends to play a private Minecraft server to either play an adventure map or the just survive. This tutorial includes many high detailed pictures (Lol, JK) and will go through every little step to make it to the end. Take note that running a server on the same computer that you are playing on may be laggy. Enjoy. :DD

What is Hamachi?

Hamachi is short for LogMeIn Hamachi. Hamachi is virtual lan you can create by having your friends connect to you by Hamachi. You can download Hamachi on this link.


Click on the green box under the Unmanaged version.
Take note that is is FREE

To Download Hamachi

After you downloaded Hamachi, run it and it should slowly start to install on your computer. There is no harm being done to your computer, LogMeIn Hamachi is a trusted site.

After you got it installed, run it and get a hamachi Ip by pressing the power button if it doesn't press it for you already, then you should see this screen.

Then you decide on who is going to become the host of the Hamachi server. The person that becomes the host, has to run the server. Lets say for example you are going to become the host. Look at the toolbar at the top and click on network.GMvpng

Then, click on create. If you are joining one, click join existing network. You should see this screen


Create a network name and a password. Choose a good, unique network ID because you cannot have the same one as anyone else. Then choose an easy password. 123 is used a lot so don't use that. Find good names and click create. If you are joining someones Hamachi Network, type in EXACTLY what your friend says. The password and ID is

cAsE sEnSiTiVe!1!1!

For example, I will create a network called


This is case sensitive. This is to just test out. The password will be


So if you wanna try, just join this to see if it works. If it doesn't, you either typed something wrong, or I put down the Hamachi server but I will try to have it as long as possible. So it should look something like this once i hit create.ncXnpng

See, 1/5 people. It will only hold up to five people because this is the free version. I don't recommend getting the full version. There is no point of playing with more than 5 people. Now I have created my Hamachi Server, I don't have it linked up with Minecraft. And that is easy. Go to this link


and download that link in this picture.

After you downloaded this, put it in a separate file and click on it. It should look like this and give you downloaded files in that file you put it in.

If it says any warning signs, it is okay because it needed to download the files and saying you don't have it. After you got it, you just need your friends to join. But what ip do you use? The one hamachi gives you. So in my case it use this.xjdPpng

But if you are joining someone elses server, you will see their name under ForPlanetminecraft, and an IP next to them. You may change the port in the server notepad file in your Minecraft file you put the server in, and you may change properties such as difficulty and online mode. The online mode lets you play with people that have CRACKED Minecraft. You put it offline and they can join. You put it as true, only PREMIUM accounts can join.

Have fun and don't forget to


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03/03/2013 1:12 am
Level 23 : Expert Zombie
Mike213546's Avatar
how do you get people around the world to join? WITH HAMACHI!
03/08/2013 5:53 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider
BabolatBoss's Avatar
They must have to join your hamachi network first. It may be laggy for them because they are around the world.
09/23/2012 11:58 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Narwhal
[stealthsniper]'s Avatar
this only had one diamond when i came here... now it has two. crisis averted. :D
09/24/2012 7:40 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Spider Rider
BabolatBoss's Avatar
Haha, Thanks.
09/27/2012 7:20 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Narwhal
[stealthsniper]'s Avatar
lol ur welcome
