Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make a Headless Horseman in vanilla!!

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Commander Block's Avatar Commander Block
Level 49 : Master Engineer
Hi there and welcome to my 4th blog! So today ill teach you how to make a headless horseman! once again (as always) this will only work in the latest snapshot, all you have to do is copy and paste the command below into a command block.

summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {Equipment:[{id:258},{id:301,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:300,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:299,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:91}],CustomName:"The Headless Horseman",Riding:{id:"EntityHorse",Tame:1,Type:4}}

And there you have it! PLEASE leave a suggestion of what to make next, if i use your suggestion i will give you a shout out. Thank you so much for reading my blog!!

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11/06/2013 9:46 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
Dice_Knight's Avatar
