Published Oct 26th, 2012, 10/26/12 5:04 pm
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List of items needeed: 1 dispencer, 1 sticky piston, redstone, spawn eggs for the mob of your choice, redstone torch and a wall.
Step one: place the dispenser a block under the wall. Put the spawn eggs in the dispenser

Step two: dig 4 blocks down in front of the dispenser and place a redstone torch at the bottom of the hole then the place the sticky piston above it.

Step 3: put a block on top of the sticky piston and on top of the dispenser to hide them.

Step 4: Go on the other side of the wall and make a redstone trail leading to the dispenser.

Step 5: Put a block at the end of the redstone trail and put a button on it.

Step 6: Press the button and YAY a mob appears!!!!
Step one: place the dispenser a block under the wall. Put the spawn eggs in the dispenser

Step two: dig 4 blocks down in front of the dispenser and place a redstone torch at the bottom of the hole then the place the sticky piston above it.

Step 3: put a block on top of the sticky piston and on top of the dispenser to hide them.

Step 4: Go on the other side of the wall and make a redstone trail leading to the dispenser.

Step 5: Put a block at the end of the redstone trail and put a button on it.

Step 6: Press the button and YAY a mob appears!!!!

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2 Update Logs
Update #2 : by EpicDragon872 10/26/2012 7:24:45 pmOct 26th, 2012
Yay the pictures Loaded!
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