Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How To Make A Vanilla Server (Cracked and Non Cracked)

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Oslosurfer's Avatar Oslosurfer
Level 45 : Master Warrior

Windows only (sorry)


If you have a Mac you can check out this

guide on how to make a server:



Hey, guys!
My first tutorial :D
Ever wanted to have your own Minecraft server? Well I am going to show you how to make and configure one!
If you don't want to read through this whole thing you can just watch the video above ;) But if you don't understand anything read through my step by step guide below. If you still don't understand something feel free to comment and I will respond as clearly as possible :)

So here are the steps:

-Step 1:
Go to www.minecraft.net

-Step 2:
Click 'Download' (Next to 'In Browser' and under 'Play Minecraft')

-Step 3:
Click to download your server. (Minecraft_Server.exe (802 KB))

-Step 4:
Save that file (Minecraft_Server.exe) in a folder, I'd call it 'Minecraft Server' or something like that.

-Step 5:
Open and run the file (your server). It will come up with a server console and files will generate in your server folder.

-Step 6:
Close your server console when it says 'Done' by typing 'stop' in the "bar" underneath where it says 'Done'.

-The new files generated:
Those new files should have been generated in your folder:
world, banned-ips, banned-players, ops, server, server and white-list.
'world' is your Minecraft world where you spawn.
'banned-ips' and 'banned-players' is a text document with the banned players and ips on your server (banned means they can't connect to your server).
'ops' is the text document with the players that are ops (operators) and have access to all commands on your server.
'server' (the text document one) records everything that happens on your server console like worlds loaded and generated and commands used by players etc.
The 'white-list' text document only works if 'white-list' is set to true in the server properties (I'll explain later). The players in 'white-list' text document are the only ones allowed on the server if 'white-list' is set to true in the server properties.
The 'server' properties file is like the options or settings of your server. You can change how many people can go on at once, your players's gamemode (survival, creative...), the server difficulty (peaceful, easy, normal etc.) and much more. I will run through the most important ones - the rest you can find on Minecraft Wiki:

Oh, and so you know: true = yes and false = no
those are the default settings:

allow-nether=true (if set to false players are not able to travel to the nether)
level-seed= (Add a seed for your world, as in Singleplayer)
max-build-height=256 (how high you are able to build on your server; in blocks)
spawn-npcs=true (If villagers/ NPCs are able to spawn)
white-list=false (If this is set to true then the 'white-list' text doxument is going to get "activated" and only the players from the text document are able to join your server)
spawn-animals=true (If cows, chicken, pigs etc. are able to spawn in your world)
online-mode=true (set this to false if you want a cracked server, that means that people with fake or cracked accounts can join)
pvp=true (If players can kill each other. PvP means Player vs Player)
difficulty=1 (0 is peaceful, 1 is easy, 2 is normal and 3 is hard. Choose several like this: 1-3 or 0-2 ...)
gamemode=0 (0 is survival, 1 is creative, 2 is adventure. Choose several like this: 1-2 or 0-1 ...)
max-players=20 (The max. amount of players allowed on the server at once)
spawn-monsters=true (If monsters like zombies, skeletons, creepers etc. are able to spawn on the server)
generate-structures=true (If NPC villages, desert temples etc.)
motd=A Minecraft Server (This is the message that is displayed in the server list of the client, below the name)

-Step 7:
Once you have finished configuring your server you can run your server again so that we can test if it actually works

-Step 8:
When the server is running go on Minecraft and add a server to your Multiplayer server list. Name it however you want, but make the server ip: localhost
NOTE: Leave 'server-ip=' in the server properties blank, so don't write 'localhost' or something in the properties.

-Step 9:
Join your server :D

There is your server!
HOWEVER your friends won't be able to connect to your server until you have port-forwarded your router, here is a good website that explains how to do it. Just choose you router model and the game you want to port-forward and it shows you a step by step guide: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm
BUT if you want me to make a video and a step by step guide like this one for port forwarding please leave a diamond so that I know I helped and you want more tutorials :)

Leave a comment or a diamond if it helped :)

~ Oslo

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Oslosurfer

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10/16/2017 9:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ImACat's Avatar
my friend cant connect to the server
08/08/2017 9:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AliiienzYT's Avatar
Where do i go to open my server?, and it never came up with Server Console, im confused
08/28/2015 3:04 pm
Level 43 : Master Loremaster
Flaxcon4397's Avatar
How would I change the ip? Or can you not do that
12/10/2013 4:12 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Scribe
MMCStudio360's Avatar
Do we still need a static pc?
12/10/2013 11:00 am
Level 45 : Master Warrior
Oslosurfer's Avatar
Yes, the pc hosting the server needs a static ip, because otherwise you would have to change the port forwarding settings everytime the ip changes. If the ip is static you only need to portforward once :)
12/09/2013 6:40 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Scribe
MMCStudio360's Avatar
Thank you so muccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccch now i only need to portforward and ask my friemnds to help me and bam server
12/10/2013 10:58 am
Level 45 : Master Warrior
Oslosurfer's Avatar
I'm glad it helped! :D
12/11/2012 3:21 am
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
AEnterprise's Avatar
good guide, the only thing is that i am on a computer without administratorrights and don't know the rooter pasword (not doing anything illigal, i'm just at a boarding school, you can freelee use the internet but can't have any paswords) do you know a way around that problem?
12/11/2012 3:24 am
Level 45 : Master Warrior
Oslosurfer's Avatar
So you mean that you can't run the server or what do you need the password for?
12/11/2012 3:36 am
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
AEnterprise's Avatar
to forward that stupid port, i don't have a administratorpasword (that is required for all the port forwarding programs i found) or a pasword for the router (it isn't wireless so not sure it has a pasword but i don't know the type or name so i can't try to log intro it)
