Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make EASY 3D skin models of your skins without cinema 4D!! [1.7]

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DikkeHarry-MC's Avatar DikkeHarry-MC
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Hello peoples,

I really like to use this simple application called: Minecraft skin viewer and I would really like to share it with you because its very handy for images tumbnails etc. and its VERY simpel so you don't have to spend all your time on complicated things like cinema 4d...

1.So to start we are going to download this skin viewer to download, click the link here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-tools/1261408-minecraft-skin-viewer-1-1-new-extended-version
scroll down a bit and download THE ALPHA VERSION If you don't download the alpha version things will get really complicated so ye.

2. Now lets open the application so we can use it open it and you will see a 3D steve. That's awesome but we kinda want to see our skins so click on the '...' and select a file this only works with 1.7 skins at the moment, I'm pretty sure the creator will change this due the populairity his application has. Now that we have our skin we can rotate him and change his arms,legs and head! If you like the way it looks click on the 'save image as...' and save the picture AND WE ARE DONE.

So yeah if you want to know how to get a background on it and stuff just watch some photoshop or paint.net or GIMP or pixlr tutorials. I hope you enjoyed and learned how to do this stuff be sure to share, give a diamond, subscribe and give feedbacks! Thanks!


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11/01/2014 6:05 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
DikkeHarry-MC's Avatar
thx :) Sorry for not responding in 2 months lol havent bene online in a long while but seeing all these notifications does make me continue on planet Minecraft so Ill be making skins and other stuff again, thanks for the support!
Super Red
08/31/2014 1:01 pm
Level 24 : Expert Geek
Super Red's Avatar
07/03/2014 5:07 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
TalkomGAMINGNetwork's Avatar
07/04/2014 7:01 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
DikkeHarry-MC's Avatar
Thanks :)
