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How To Make Money On PMC

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LegionPride's Avatar LegionPride
Level 15 : Journeyman Unicorn
Hey guys! LegionPride or xxSuicideKiwixx here bringing you my second "How To." The first one being "How To Get Back To Older Versions Of Minecraft From The New Launcher" and you are interested, you can find that here.
Hope this blog helps you in someway!

Are you one of those people that want to make money on the internet, and try those money making websites that are absolutely horrible? Well i have a solution for you. But to be able to make money on Planet Minecraft you will need four things:
--> A Mediafire account
--> An adfly account
--> Be level 20 or higher on Planet Minecraft
--> Have a project, texture pack, skin or mod that people will download.

ALRIGHT now that you have those things its time to make some $mullah$.

-->STEP NUMERO UNO: Go to mediafire and click Upload, from computer. (Depending on where your files are)
Click the big plus sign and locate the files that you wish to post on Planet Minecraft.

-->STEP NUMBER TWO: Once you have chosen the files, click "Begin Upload." Once the files are finished uploading,
click the "Copy Link" text beside the file.

-->STEP NUMBER THREE: After copying the link, go to your adfly. Paste the link in the big box that has "Adfly" right beside it and click shrink.

-->STEP NUMBER FOUR: With that shortened link, go to Planet Minecraft, and choose whatever the file is you want to post (Project, Mod, Texturepack or Skin) Scroll down to the bottom where it says "World Download URL" (Under the Share Options) and post the url in that box.

-->STEP NUMBER FIVE: Fill in the necessary fields to make sure that your post gets lots of views, and then post it!
For every download of that project or mod or whatever, it wont generate that much, but if you put a lot of time and effort into it, you could make some money!

Questions That Have Been Asked:

How much money do you make per view?

Well this is dependant on where the person comes from. The amount of money earned can vary from $1 per 1000 clicks or $4 per 1000 clicks. The exact amount per click I'm not quite sure of.

How does Adfly make their money?

Adfly makes its money because companies pay them every time somebody clicks an advertisement. Adfly keeps most of the money for that ad. Say the adfly link is a download, the person that is using adfly to let others download their file gets a little bit of the money. More people go on adfly for a little money, more ads are clicked, and more money is made.

Using adfly really isnt the best way to make money because submissions rarely get enough downloads to make more than 5 or 10 dollars. If you're wanting to make a lot of money, i would advise you to seek other means of acquiring it.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!



1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by LegionPride 09/24/2013 7:15:56 pmSep 24th, 2013

Edited and added text.

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06/24/2015 11:25 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Hunter
tigermanthetiger's Avatar
i wish i was lvl 20
09/24/2013 8:42 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
09/24/2013 9:10 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Unicorn
LegionPride's Avatar
Why, thank you! And anytime friend!
09/22/2013 9:38 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Jodlum's Avatar
I earned $!6 for 3300 clicks and my friend earned $97 for 27000 clicks.
09/24/2013 9:11 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Unicorn
LegionPride's Avatar
09/21/2013 4:10 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker
SoggyTractor's Avatar
This blog could be far more detailed. Firstly, if a project got, say, 700 views and 100 people clicked on the download link and went to media fire..how much money would that make? And what does Adfly get from it?
09/21/2013 4:47 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Unicorn
LegionPride's Avatar
Sorry about the late reply.... there was a bit of a misunderstanding. Anyways i'm glad you asked. The money earned per click is dependent on where that person comes from. You could earn as much as $4 per 1000 clicks or as little as $1. Adfly makes its money because companies pay them everytime somebody clicks an advertisement. Adfly keeps most of the money for that ad. Say the adfly link is a download, the person that is using adfly to let others download their file gets a little bit of the money. More people go on adfly for a little money, more ads are clicked, and more money is made. I hope that this clarifies some of the issues at hand. And should i add this part into the blog?
09/22/2013 3:31 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker
SoggyTractor's Avatar
Yes, add it in. When you say in the blog "you could earn a lot of money," clearly that's only if your submission gets A LOT of views.Even say, 100,000 views wouldn't be anything, because it would only mean about 10,000 or 20,000 downloads and that would only get around $10-$50. 1 in a million submissions on PMC get more popular than that. So it's not really a money making scheme. And you could say "well, even earning a couple of dollars is pretty decent" but you'd still have to put a lot of work into an amazing submission for that.
09/20/2013 3:41 pm
Level 20 : Expert Taco
JodieAnneShort's Avatar
Why do you have to be level twenty?
09/21/2013 2:02 am
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokémon
Azie's Avatar
We have a level 20 requirment to avoid spammed revenue-generating links slapped on content that

A. is stolen.
B. breaks our site rules in some other way.

Generally, if you make it to level 20, you have been following our rules pretty well and get to use links like adfly and adfoc.
