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How to Make your own Minecraft: Bedrock Resource Pack!

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justanotheraddict's Avatar justanotheraddict
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
Hello, Everyone!

In this post I will explain how to make a Resource Pack for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

Start by downloading the Vanilla Resource Pack. You can find this in the Minecraft: Bedrock Documentation. Click here to download the vanilla RP.
Once you have dowloaded it, unzip the file.

Now we must make an icon. This is the photograph that will display when people download your resource pack. Make your own logo, it can be anything, but the file should be exactly 256x256 pixels large, and should be a png image. Name the file "pack_icon.png", and drag it into the unzipped folder. You should see a pop up saying something along the lines of:

"An older item named "pack_icon.png" already exists in this location. Do you want to replace it with the newer one you're moving?"

Click "Replace".
Now, we need to make your resource pack. In the resource pack folder, there should be a folder called "textures". Open it.

From here, you need to ask yourself, "What kind of resource pack do I want to make?"

If you want to edit the texture of a block, tap the "blocks" folder in "textures".
If you want to edit the texture of an item, tap the "items" folder in "textures".
If you want to edit the texture of a mob, tap the "entity" folder in "textures".
If you want to edit the texture of the UI, tap the "ui" folder in "textures".

Now, leave your folder of choice open, and start making the textures for your pack online.
For mob textures, I recommend using PMCSkin3D.
For item, block, and UI textures, I recommend using pixilart.com/draw it is a good free pixel art maker online.
Export these custom textures as png files, and I recommend using 16x16 textures to not lag the game out.

Now, look in the folder you opened, and scroll until you find a picture of the item you want to replace. For example, if I want to change the texture of a diamond sword, I would look in the "items" folder for a picture of a diamond sword.

Once you find the picture, rename your custom texture file by the same name as the picture in the folder. Drag your renamed custom texture file into the same folder as the picture, and you will get a similar alert as the previous. Click "replace".

Repeat this process for any other items you want to make.

Congrats! You have made your own resource pack!
But... we need to write a custom manifest.json.

In the resource pack folder, there should be a file named "manifest.json". Open it.
You will see a string of code like this:

"header": {
"description": "Example vanilla resource pack",
"name": "Vanilla Resource Pack",
"uuid": "66c6e9a8-3093-462a-9c36-dbb052165822",
"version": [​0, 0, 1],
"min_engine_version": [ 1, 18, 10 ]

Replace "Vanilla Resource Pack" with the title of your resource pack, but remember not to delete the quotation marks. Replace "Example vanilla resource pack" with a quick description of your resource pack, but remember to keep the quotation marks. I would not recommend using the enter key when writing this description.

Now this next step is decently confusing, but trust me, it's fairly simple.
Go to uuidgenerator.net/version1.

At the top of the page, you will see a random string of numbers, letters, and hyphens. This string will be different for everyone. Tap the grey "copy" button at the top of the site. Go back to the manifest.json file and replace "66c6e9a8-3093-462a-9c36-dbb052165822" with whatever you copied from the site. Good job! You just completed writing your first UUID. Time for the second one! Reload the website and a different string of numbers, letters, and hyphens will appear. Copy it again, and go to the manifest.json file. There should be this line of code on the manifest.json file:

"modules": [
"description": "Example vanilla resource pack",
"type": "resources",
"uuid": "743f6949-53be-44b6-b326-398005028819",
"version": [​0, 0, 1]

Now replace "743f6949-53be-44b6-b326-398005028819" with whatever you just copied from the site a second time. Close the manifest.json.

Now your resource pack is done for good! Nothing else to do, apart from uploading it, of course.

Go to the "com.mojang" folder on your device.
There is a page on the Minecraft Wiki that will tell you how to locate the "com.mojang" folder on your device.
In "com.mojang", open the folder named "resource_packs" and drag your unzipped resource pack file into there.

Next, open Minecraft, and click "Settings". Scroll down to "Resource Packs" on the sidebar, and you should find your resource pack there. Add it, and your custom textures should appear on the next Minecraft Bedrock worlds or servers you join.

Good Luck!

Also, if this tutorial helped you make a resource pack, I would really love to see it, so please do comment a link to your pack, and I would love to check it out! If you have any issues, problems, or questions, I would love to help you in the comments below.

Thank you for reading!
Tutorial by justanotheraddict

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05/30/2024 8:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5155406G's Avatar
how to create a subpackage in the "manifest.json"
03/20/2024 7:50 am
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
justanotheraddict's Avatar
* i mentioned not hitting the enter key because it can make the file messier, and if you return to it later it will be harder to understand
