Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to set up a skin-and-cape-hosting website for my Machinima mod

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Level 49 : Master Technomancer
This is a tutorial on how to set up a site to host skins and capes for my Machinima mod.

1. Get an account with 000webhost, and register a subdomain. You can technically use any webhost which allows you to edit .htaccess, but this tutorial assumes that you're using them. Also, I get $5 for every account that uses that link to sign up and stays onboard for a month!
2. Open the File Manager for your website. Go to public_html.
3. Delete "default.php", or whatever it happens to be called.
4. Create two new folders. Call them "MinecraftSkins" and "MinecraftCloaks" (no quotes!). Make sure that you get the capitalization right!
5. Open ".htaccess" and erase its contents (yes, I know it says to not remove!). Replace them with this.

Your website is now set up! To test it out, open the config file for the machinima mod and replace "s3.amazonaws.com" with the name of your new website. Make sure that skins work. If everybody looks like Steve?, you did something wrong. If you can't get it to work, try PMing me.

Now you need to add skins and capes! It's fairly straightforward.

1. Create the skin or cape, then name it after the account (make sure to get the capitalization right!). So to add a skin for FakeAccount, name the skin FakeAccount.png (same for a cape).
2. Upload it to your site in the proper directory. So put it in MinecraftSkins for a skin, or MinecraftCloaks for a cape.
3. Open up .htaccess and add a line. For skins, add:

RewriteCond $1 !(MinecraftSkins/playername.png)

or for capes, add

RewriteCond $1 !(MinecraftCloaks/playername.png)

You need to put it before the "RewriteRule" line. For example. after adding a skin and a cape for FakeAccount, the file would look like this.
4. Save and exit! Your skin/cape should show up for anybody with the mod who has put your website into their config file!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Because this site will only be used for Minecraft, it will not register any hits! Therefore, every month or so, 000webhost WILL AUTOMATICALLY ATTEMPT TO REMOVE IT. When they do this, you will have ONE WEEK TO PREVENT IT. Make sure to check the email you registered with regularly to prevent this!

If you have any trouble with any of this, feel free to PM me!

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02/02/2015 2:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The code you posted for htaccess doesn't work, can you fix that
12/06/2012 3:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
can you update to 1.4.5 please ?
03/27/2012 3:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
i dont get how you change the skin
03/27/2012 1:36 pm
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
Uh... Can you be more specific?!
04/24/2012 2:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ok sorry it took me so long to reply but every time i log in as say xephos its honydews skin
04/24/2012 5:46 pm
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
... Can you be more detailed? Maybe take a video or something?
12/02/2011 10:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
This mod is genius. I do have a question though. Is it possible to host the skins on my own computer or does it have to be done via webpage? If i can accomplish this with your mod how do i do so? I ask because me and my friends play on a server i host with no internet access.
12/03/2011 7:05 am
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
Thanks! It's really only like 20 lines of code, and half of that is just opening and closing brackets... Oh well.

You CAN host the files on your computer, but unless you use Apache, I have no idea how to configure it to forward to amazon. Worth a try I suppose? Maybe other servers also support .htaccess?

Nah. Prolly not. XP
12/03/2011 3:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
20 lines or not still awesome =).

Yeah i did find instructions on how to set up a web server to allow me to host the files

[Guide]LAN Skins for private servers!(1.7.3/1.8.1)No crack! No online dependency! - RaGEZONE forums

but this would mean i have to run yet another program on my slow computer to acomplish this.

Maybe someone will make a mod for the minecraft server at somepoint that along with your mod will acomplish this.

Also i did some playing around a figured out i can post the skins to my

photobucket account and put the address into your mod and it works.

Guess my group will have to relocate to my place for now to use the

12/03/2011 5:29 pm
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
On that other hack: Editing the hostsfile was actually how I originally did this! I turned it into a mod for the purposes of expediency and the ability to use alternate names.

On photobucket: I suppose that would work, but there's just one problem with that...

Skins that you haven't uploaded won't work. :O
