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How to Set Up Kits Using Essentials

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SackboyRocks's Avatar SackboyRocks
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle
How to Set Up Kits Using Essentials:
This is going to be fairly simple, but it will take some skill. Creating many kits and setting up the correct permissions can be tedious, but it will look great in the end!

First, you are going to want to get the plugin. This can be found here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/essentials/

Download the plugin, and put it in your plugins folder. (If you are using a paid host, you can move it to your plugins folder from you home computer using FileZilla)

Reload your server, and go into the plugins folder. You should see a folder called "Essentials." Go into that directory and edit the "config.yml" file. Keep in mind, if you mess up anything in this file, it could reset all your progress. Make sure everything is perfect before saving it. You can check to see if it is ok by copying and pasting the text here: http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/

Now scroll down until you see something like this: (Click the spoiler)
Click Me!
# Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
# All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs.
# Syntax: - itemID[:DataValue/Durability] Amount [Enchantment:Level].. [itemmeta:value]...
# For Item meta information visit wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Item_Meta
# 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds.
# For more information, visit wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Kits
(And a bunch of default predefined kits here)
What you want to do is remove all of the default kits, we won't be needing them.

Now to add a kit, click at the end of the "kits:" line. Hit enter to go down one line and add 2 spaces. Now here, you will type the name of the kit. After it put a colon Example:
Click Me!
Hit enter again to go down another line. Now on this line your going to add 4 spaces, instead of 2. Here you are going to type "delay:" Example:
Click Me!
Now, the delay is basically the time players are delayed between use of the kit. This is measured in seconds. For now, we will put in 86400 after the delay, which equals 1 day. So the players will be able to use kit Figher daily. Example:
Click Me!
delay: 86400
Hit enter again after your delay line. Add 4 more spaces. Now put in "items:"
Click Me!
delay: 86400
Great! add another line after items. On this line, you are going to add 6 spaces. Now put a "-" symbol. This should be perfectly aligned with the letter "e" in items. Add another space after the dash. Now we are going to put an item ID. If you do not know an id for an item, look here: http://www.minecraftinfo.com/idlist.htm. We will be using the ID 276, which is for a diamond sword. After the ID, add another space, and then the quanity of that item. For this example, we only want 1 diamond sword. So we will use a 1.
Click Me!
delay: 86400
- 276 1
You can also add variables to an item. To add an enchantment, simply specify the enchantment with a colon after it and the level of the enchantment. For this example, I will use "sharpness:2"
Click Me!
delay: 86400
- 276 1 sharpness:2
Another variable you can use is the name variable and the lore variable. The name, will replace the actual name of the item. The lore will replace the description. You can use colorcodes in this! Also, to add spaces in these you will have to use an underscore "_" We will be add a name and lore to the diamond sword:
Click Me!
delay: 86400
- 276 1 sharpness:2 name:&4&lDeath_Chopper lore:&7&oChop_em'_up!
Now, I'm going to add some armor to this kit! I will be adding iron armor with some variables. 306 - Helmet, 307 - Chestplate, 308 - Leggings, 309 - Boots:
Click Me!
delay: 86400
- 276 1 sharpness:2 name:&4&lDeath_Chopper lore:&7&oChop_em'_up!
- 306 1 protection:1
- 307 1 protection:2 thorns:1
- 308 1 unbreaking:2
- 309 1 featherfalling:1 name:&6&l&n&oBOOTS
How about some potions to the kit? Perfect! You can add any normal potion such as maybe strength (373:8201), or make your own! we will be using the "jump" effect to the potion, to let our players jump up high! Look in the spoiler:
Click Me!
delay: 86400
- 276 1 sharpness:2 name:&4&lDeath_Chopper lore:&7&oChop_em'_up!
- 306 1 protection:1
- 307 1 protection:2 thorns:1
- 308 1 unbreaking:2
- 309 1 featherfalling:1 name:&6&l&n&oBOOTS
- potion 1 effect:jump power:1 duration:60
How about we add some extra gear for our Fighter kit? Leather armor as a backup, with some epic enchantments? Sounds sweet :D You can add colored leather armor too, with the variable "color:" After that, you will insert 3 numbers seperated with a comma. To find the numbers you want for a specific color, you can find them here: http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html
We will be making some extra enchanted green leather armor for the figher kit!
Click Me!
delay: 86400
- 276 1 sharpness:2 name:&4&lDeath_Chopper lore:&7&oChop_em'_up!
- 306 1 protection:1
- 307 1 protection:2 thorns:1
- 308 1 unbreaking:2
- 309 1 featherfalling:1 name:&6&l&n&oBOOTS
- potion 1 effect:jump power:1 duration:60
- 298 1 protection:3 unbreaking:1 color:51,204,0 lore:&9Backup_Armor_&e:)
- 299 1 protection:3 unbreaking:1 color:51,204,0 lore:&9Backup_Armor_&e:)
- 300 1 protection:3 unbreaking:1 color:51,204,0 lore:&9Backup_Armor_&e:)
- 301 1 protection:3 unbreaking:1 color:51,204,0 lore:&9Backup_Armor_&e:)
We will finish this epic kit off with some gapples! Now were talking!
Click Me!
delay: 86400
- 276 1 sharpness:2 name:&4&lDeath_Chopper lore:&7&oChop_em'_up!
- 306 1 protection:1
- 307 1 protection:2 thorns:1
- 308 1 unbreaking:2
- 309 1 featherfalling:1 name:&6&l&n&oBOOTS
- potion 1 effect:jump power:1 duration:60
- 298 1 protection:3 unbreaking:1 color:51,204,0 lore:&9Backup_Armor_&e:)
- 299 1 protection:3 unbreaking:1 color:51,204,0 lore:&9Backup_Armor_&e:)
- 300 1 protection:3 unbreaking:1 color:51,204,0 lore:&9Backup_Armor_&e:)
- 301 1 protection:3 unbreaking:1 color:51,204,0 lore:&9Backup_Armor_&e:)
- 322:1 5
We have successful created our first kit! Follow these simple steps to create many more awesome kits!

Now, you want your players to be able to use these kits? Only want certain groups to be able to use your most epic kits? First, they are going to need the permission node "essentials.kit" and/or "essentials.kits". If your using groupmanager, you can add this permission in-game quickly with the command "/manuaddp (player) essentials.kit" or to a group with "/mangaddp (group) essentials.kit" Now, to give them permission for each kit, you will use "essentials.kits.(kitname)" For this instance, we will give our VIP players access to the Figher kit. We will give them "essentials.kits.fighter" Ingame with GroupManager, we will use "/mangaddp vip essentials.kits.fighter". To give a certain group permission for ALL kits, use the node "essentials.kits.*". If you want certain players to bypass delays on all kits, just give them the node "essentials.kit.exemptdelay"

Now, when you get this kit in the game, it should look a little something like:


You can also create a kit that players will get when they join the server for the first time. I created a quick simple kit in the spoiler as an example of what you could give players when they first join, to start off.
Click Me!
delay: 1
- 267 1 sharpness:1 name:&dStarter_Sword
- 257 1 efficiency:1 name:&dStarter_Pickaxe
- 258 1 efficiency:1 name:&dStarter_Axe
- 256 1 efficiency:1 name:&dStarter_Shovel
- 260 10
Now, these players do not need to have permission for this kit at all to have it as a new player kit. So the delay doesn't matter because no one will be able to use them. Now to set what kit will be the starter kit, go to the very bottom of the config.yml. You will see a section that says "Essentials Spawn / New Players" Go to where it says:

# Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
# This kit will be given regardless of cost, and permissions.
#kit: ''
kit: tools

Change the "kit: tools" to "kit: (The kit you want to start). In this case we will change it to:

# Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
# This kit will be given regardless of cost, and permissions.
#kit: ''
kit: Begin

And now you have your kits all set up! If you have any questions, or think I may have missed something please tell me below. If this helped please give me a diamond & favorite, and subscribe for more tutorials! Thanks!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by SackboyRocks 03/07/2017 9:57:39 pmMar 7th, 2017

fixed grammatical errors

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03/12/2017 10:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IIShNoII's Avatar
Im aware that this is an old thread, but is there any way to bypass the delay for certian kits allowing a delay for choosen once
kit donator: One time use
kit donator: Cooldown
kit donator+: One time use
04/02/2017 11:12 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle
SackboyRocks's Avatar
essentials.kits.exemptdelay will bypass the delay, but you can also make the "delay: 0" too.
12/27/2016 9:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PetrichorCraft's Avatar
Thank you, SackboyRocks! This was very helpful.

Funny_boy_9 - To delete kits, I believe you would just delete the text, where it defines the kits. (Everything under the word "kits:") If SackboyRocks' kit "fighter" had been in the defaults, you would simply delete all the information from the name down.

Admittedly, I have not done this yet, as my server's not opening for another couple months, but that is how I interpreted the article.
03/07/2017 9:59 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle
SackboyRocks's Avatar
Haha sorry I'm not very active but thank you a lot, and you are exactly right. Funny_boy_9 just has to remove the text, simple as that. The kit will go away after a reload.
12/21/2016 6:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Funny_boy_9's Avatar
How do you remove kits?
03/07/2017 9:59 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle
SackboyRocks's Avatar
Just remove the text for the kit.
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