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How To Use World Edit On Servers! BASICS!

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Diamond MC's Avatar Diamond MC
Level 29 : Expert Toast
How To Use World Edit!
Alot Of People Ask How to use world edit on servers. Some Servers limit commands and some let all commands. This blog will review the basics of World Edit

1. Basic Commands
World edit is for creating buildings and peices faster than manually. There are commands that can help you.

/Help (This command is optional for servers). /Help is to explain World Edit.

//Set (BLOCK ID). This is to set blocks in the aerea you choose. 

//pos1 And //pos2. This is To set a marked aerea to set blocks in.

//Cut. This command is to Cut blocks you dont want. 

//Undo. This will undo the last command used with World Edit.

2. World Edit Wand
A Server will
 let you use a wand to set aereas instead of //pos1 and //pos2.
Left Click a block for //pos1 and Right click a block With the wand for //pos 2.

3. Alloted Commands
Its Optional for a server To Set commands for players and ranks for World edit. Like any other Command.

This Blog Only Goes Over The BASICS! Look on Minecraft Fourms And PMC For an in depth World Edit Review.

CreditJigokucraft Server

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Diamond MC 11/28/2017 7:30:16 pmNov 28th, 2017

11/28/17 - This post made in 2014 applies to 1.7.10 or something. Commands seem to be the same.

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01/28/2016 3:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
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