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How to view every command on Bukkit servers!

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FlabbyDaddy's Avatar FlabbyDaddy
Level 34 : Artisan Narwhal
Attention staff members on bukkit servers! You are familiar with you're standard set of commands right? Like you're /gm and your /ban right? well have you ever wondered what other commands are out there? Me Daddyfatflab, the admin of x-craft discovered how to view every command in bukkit existence! Of course you don't get a manual for commands making your job as staff harder to do! but with these few simple steps you can see and find commands no other person may even know about!

Step 1) Open your chat bar like you would to say something or type a command but all you type is "/" and thats it

Step 2) Press and hold down your shift key then press the Tab key right above it,

and if you did it right viola! you can view every command bukkit has to offer! As if being assaulted by dozens of commands is not enough go ahead and scroll up! view literally the hundreds of commands!

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06/24/2017 4:19 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
zKaliber's Avatar
not if the server has ezprotector...
07/03/2013 4:34 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc392673's Avatar
07/03/2013 1:45 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Narwhal
FlabbyDaddy's Avatar
hmm I ought to take a look at that then haha, never had the chance to test all of them
