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[HowTo] Render Minecraft Worlds into 3D

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iWilliBlecha's Avatar iWilliBlecha
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect

Hey Blockheads out there!

Wellcome to my little tutorial!
I going to show you, how to render a 3D image of your Minecraft World.

We will use the Tool "Chunky", which is an all in one Tool, so we need no other programms.

But, before we begin, please excuse my English, I'm an austrien Crafter and I tried my best!
Now let us begin!
What we need:
  • A Minecraft World to Render.
  • A Texture Pack of your choice
  • The Tool "Chunky"
  • A Sky Panorama

Download Chunky here: Windows / Mac OSX

scaledphpserverampfilenamepacktjpng Step 1: Download and open your World

Click to open!
After you dowloaded Chunky, use WinRar or a other Zip programm to unpack it.
Then start Chunky.bat or Chunky.dmg if you're a Mac User.

Now you will see this Window:


The left side shows the map in a top down view. But I think that's clear.
And on the right side we find the settings.

To start, click on "Select World" and open your World. Then click on "View", and chosse by "Map View" "Surface" and by "Dimenson" the typ you want.

After that, click on "Options" and "Load Texture Pack" You can use every Texture you want, as long as it is not bigger then x256. (by x256 it could take a few secounds to load)

Now you have to select Chunks. All selected Chunks will be rendert, so be sure you choose all you need.
To choose Chunks, just hold shift and click with your mouse on the map on the right side. All selected Chunks will be marked red.

Should look like that:


scaledphpserverampfilenamepacktjpng Step 2: Render Settings

Click to open!

So weit so gut (this is german and means "So far, so good")
Now click on "3D Render" and "New Scene" and choose the direction where you want the render it.
Then name the 3D Scene.

Now you see this windows:


The right window is a preview of your image and the left side show you all settings.

First, we will change the size of the end image.
"Canvas width" and "Canvas height" are 400 by default, this means the end image will be 400x400.
For example, we will change in to 1200x800. Then click on "Set Canvas Size"


Now you have to choose the position you want to render. Notice: The Preview shows exactly what you will see on the end image. To move in the position you want, click into the right window, move with your mouse and your keyboard buttons "W""S""A""D" until you see what you want.

Now we take a look at this:


Gamma correction should always be enabled. "Still water" and "Clear water" are only important, if you have watewr on your image. If you enable "Still water", then Chunky wont render little waves and if you enable "Clear water", the water will be transparent. Biome colour only if you want. Important is the last one. If you have a powerfull PC / Mac, set frame on 500, but if you have a old / bad PC / Mac, set it on 100 or 50.

Next step is "Lighting"


Here you can experiment until you like the result. Depending on your flavor.
NOTE: If you want glowing Glowstone and torches, put "Ermitter intensity" to the max!

Then, "Sky"


Very important is the "Load Skymap" feature. Here you can use every image you want. This image will replace the normal "Minecraft Sky". "Unload Skymap" will delete the image and restore the normal "Minecraft Sky".
You can find some nice ones here!
"Atmosphere will add a weak fog to the image and volumetric fog will add a strong fog to the image.

Befor we take a look at "Camera", we will click on "Advanced:


Here you can experiment too. If your world is under water, you need to enable "Water World Mode".

So, now we come to "Camera"


If you already move the camera with mouse and keyboard, don't klick on one of the first two buttons!
The rest is to experiment again.

scaledphpserverampfilenamepacktjpng Step 3: Render and Save Image

Click to open!
Good, after we set everything up, we will render a image.


Click on "Start" and Chunky will start rendering your image. This could take only a few minutes, or up to 5 hours. You can always save the image by clicking on "Save Current Frame".
Notice! If you move the camera or chance anything, the rendering will restart!.

Well, thats all! Now you can use Gimp or Photoshop or whatever to edit your image!

(This image needed 80.000 renderimages!)


I hope you like my HowTo, if yes, then

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Bye Assassins! And remember,

- Nothing is True Everything is Permitted -
CreditThx to Jesper Öqvist for this awesome tool!

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by iWilliBlecha 09/23/2012 4:20:45 amSep 23rd, 2012

New links and rewritten

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07/16/2014 4:24 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Pokémon
blitzscrank's Avatar
the images no longer show anything for me? :(
07/03/2015 4:50 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
Shquaz's Avatar
for me too!?
07/04/2014 6:29 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Vantage's Avatar
300! Diamonds :D
05/01/2014 2:55 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Answer
DylzCraft's Avatar
Thanx Soooo much! Diamond to you
03/10/2014 6:50 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
McArcadex's Avatar
Thanks alot, i used shaders before, but this is fantasic, i have no word, thanks alot, diamond to you :)
10/14/2013 8:11 am
Level 42 : Master Batman
Patriots_Terran's Avatar
Can someone please tell me why I can't load Modern HD as the texture pack? I have it in zip and still nothing happens D:
09/01/2013 11:08 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
andyjk15's Avatar
YES!!! A fellow assassin!
Instant diamond
02/10/2013 3:29 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
bigfootcz's Avatar
I can't run this Chunky thing at all. I tried updating Java and adding the java.exe path to the chunky.bat. Either doesn't help, DOS window pops out and then it closes itself in the moment. I'm on W7, any suggestions, guys?
08/10/2016 5:15 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
Pixel_Builder's Avatar
Don't touch the Chunky.bat! After installation open the "Chunky launcher"
06/19/2013 8:16 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Taco
Radmite's Avatar
This may be a bit late, but I have the same problem and have tried the same solution. If you have the correct solution, please message back. Thanks :D
