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I need this!

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legobildr's Avatar legobildr
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
All I am asking for is some skin requests that's all. I would very much appreciate any or all of you people to ask for a skin request and I will make it post it and include credit to you. everything help subscribing lets me know you like everything I do, diamonds let me know you like the post, and comment can be any or all of the above and more! so please diamond subscribe and comment. So please post a comment on a skin for me to make I do ANYTHING at all. post it add a link to an image maybe, even take forever to describe it just speak up!

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08/22/2012 5:52 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Taco
tacoman500v1's Avatar
To be honest being a PMC member for over a year I don't think you did this at a good time. See you are a very good upcoming skinner and I see a future but you don't have enough followers for this to work. See what you need to do is get a min of 10 subs. Just keep on posting and posting skins. Eventually you will get a boom in likes and people will start to follow you. When enough people follow you subs just roll in. I got 170 of my subs in the past 5 months. Proof that it works is I joined over a year ago. You see the boom from 20 to 190 in just 5 moths. Thats what you need. Then blogs like this will become noticed and people will request. Hope this helped.
08/22/2012 6:45 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
legobildr's Avatar
my friend has been skinning since minecraft 1.6.5 and this does help its just most of the skins aren't good enough to be posted and so we don't post them but we will post alot soon we just need some inspiration, thanks for your time and help hope you do good on pmc!
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