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Infinite Blocks in Survival Mode?!

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TheWatermelonNinja's Avatar TheWatermelonNinja
Level 20 : Expert Architect
Like the name and picture suggests, we will be making infinite stacks of blocks in survival mode using command blocks.

This isn't a mod/hack, is it?
Nope! Nothing needs to be installed!

How are these blocks in the chest?
There is a command block that is spawning the items in it's inventory. You will see this in the tutorial section.
How are -1 blocks considered infinite?
So, when you are placing your positive blocks, you notice how whenever you place a block, one gets taken away? Same thing with the -1 blocks. Each time you place a block, the number you have goes down, bringing it down to -2, -3, etc. Take a look at the video. Notice how whenever I place a block, the number of negatives go up. The game is supposed to remove the block from the inventory if it reaches 0, however, since the counter will never reach 0, as it keeps decreasing past zero, guess what? you have an infinite number of block uses.


[b]The tutorial.[/b]
It is very easy to create infinite blocks.

First, you must have a command block. This is what will spawn your items. Make sure a chest is on top of it.
Now that you have your command block, enter the following command:

[code]/blockdata ~ ~1 ~ {Items:[{id:"minecraft:stone",Count:-1,Slot:0},{id:"minecraft:log",Count:-1,Slot:1},{id:"minecraft:planks",Count:-1,Slot:2},{id:"minecraft:brick_block",Count:-1,Slot:3}]}
Let's go over each part.
/blockdata: The command. This tells the command block to edit the NBT data of a block.
~ ~1 ~: The coordinates of the block being edited, being <x> <y> <z>. The tildes mean the command block's position, so the block being edited is the block on the command block's same x and z coordinate, but 1 block above the command block.
{Items:[]}: The chest's inventory.
{id:"minecraft:stone",Count:-1,Slot:0}: A single item in the chest's inventory. The "id" tag is for the item's id, and the "Count" tag is for how many, in this case, we want -1 to give us infinite items. The tag, "Slot" is for the position of the item in the chest's inventory, 0 being the top-left.

When a redstone is inputted into the command block, the chest's NBT data will be changed, making your infinite item spawn in it's inventory. In the video, I had a redstone clock that would rapidly power the command block that edits the chest, so that the amount of items will always stay -1, nothing can be put in the chests, and there would always be some extra stuff left for everyone.

[b]So... What can this be used for?
[/b]I would say this could be useful for servers where you can have an infinite supply of one type of block, say, wooden planks to build a house, but you'd have to gather other blocks normally.

[b]Known things that will happen.[/b][list][*]You can craft with infinite blocks, but you won't get them back.
[*]You can not split infinite blocks into two stacks.
[*]Tools are not infinite.
[*]Food can be eaten and the stack will be infinite.

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09/17/2016 5:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
ProjectDoge's Avatar
you cant carry them!
Dosent work
09/17/2016 5:32 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
ProjectDoge's Avatar
Nevermind you can use a dispenser and it works!! thanks!
