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Is Minecraft Ever Going To Die?

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FrozenTeam101's Avatar FrozenTeam101
Level 33 : Artisan Princess

That is the question that many people are beginning to ask themselves.

Many other big games such as Minecraft have die before, but why? because they start becoming repetitive/boring

Some reasons why Minecraft is going to die:

~Mojang is running out of ideas for example Mojang is beginning to copy ideas from mods such as the "item rotation" "horses"

~Mojang is making new games such as Scrolls, but even tough they have different coders for each game the whole company is focusing on the game that they gain more money from

~Minecraft is becoming boring for many people since there is nothing really to do anymore for the players. Everybody has explored a cave for about the thousand time, 8 million of people have made a city/town/ship/statue...

Some reasons why Minecraft is not going to die any time soon:

~Minecraft reached 10 millions of copy sold months ago

~Minecraft is EVERYWHERE? You go to Youtube...MINECRAFT...you go to a store...MINECRAFT T-SHIRT...You go to Wallmart...Minecraft

~Minecraft is going to release a hard case copy of Minecraft for the xbox

~Dinnerbone made it so that you can play with the Minecraft code without using a mod. What is this in English? You can change mobs stuffz, You can create structures using only spawners, and other things (Check SethBling)

~Resource park this is going to take Minecraft Maps to the next nevel

I think that it will take a long time for Minecraft to die out, but what is your opinion on this topic? tell me in the comment section

~Frozen...so cool...brrrr

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06/20/2013 11:39 am
Level 26 : Expert Creeper
CommanderOfNoobs's Avatar
I remember, a few days ago, when I gave this post the 2nd diamond. Now look at how far you've come! Good job!
06/20/2013 11:41 am
Level 33 : Artisan Princess
FrozenTeam101's Avatar
Thanks for helping me reach the pop reel and get people to notice me :)
06/20/2013 8:07 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Nicrlaitheking's Avatar
i can't see how mojang should run out of ideas there is a thousand ways to improve minecraft including they could make some "expansion packs" for specific genres; Star wars, star trek, lord of the rings, harry potter, roman era etc.

minecraft is one of the only games you can't win and that's what make it so special, there is few limits for creativity.
06/20/2013 11:17 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Skinner
Umikaloo's Avatar
When someone asks me: <<What's the point of Minecraft?>> i say: <<What's the point of life?>>.
06/19/2013 5:25 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
PPG's Avatar
and also, they are getting things from mods because. The TV show BepBop Vox was announcing that Mojang will be inserting items, mobs etc from mods and modpacks like Tekkit and others
06/19/2013 5:23 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
BlueLandmineTurtle's Avatar
On pop reel! Nice
06/19/2013 5:22 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
PPG's Avatar
Actuly, its not just that its getting boring and repetetive, its that in about say arooound 50 years the mojang team may have passed away and there will be no developers for minecraft
06/19/2013 6:03 pm
Level 47 : Master Gent
Purevega's Avatar
It's called hiring new developers. Duh.. That's like saying all the employees at Apple will die and we won't get any more Apple products.

Wtf man.
06/20/2013 12:36 am
Level 33 : Artisan Blockhead
luckytrip777's Avatar
06/19/2013 4:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
gira112's Avatar
i counted and it was actually more reasons for minecraft to survive than die!
